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Yugioh Avulso Inglês
Base Set
- Amazing Defenders (AMDE)
- Ancient Guardians (ANGU)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO)
- Battles of Legend: Brothers of Legend (BROL)
- Battles of Legend - Armageddon (BLAR)
- Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 (BLC1)
- Battles of Legend - Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
- Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge (BLHR)
- Battles of Legend: Light’s Revenge (BLLR)
- Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge (BLMR)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Rage of the Abyss (ROTA)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP)
- Crossroads of Chaos (CSOC)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossed Souls (CROS)
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL)
- Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
- Dragons of Legend 2 (DRL2)
- Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (DRL3)
- Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (DLCS)
- Dimension Force (DIFO)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA)
- Duel Power (DUPO)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dark Crisis (DCR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Dark Saviors (DASA)
- Destiny Soldiers (DESO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Fists of the Gadgets (FIGA)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Fusion Enforcers (FUEN)
- Genesis Impact (GEIM)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Galatic Overlord (GAOV)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Hidden Arsenal 1 (HA01)
- Hidden Arsenal 2 (HA02)
- Hidden Arsenal 3 (HA03)
- Hidden Arsenal 4 (HA04)
- Hidden Arsenal 5 (HA05)
- Hidden Arsenal 6 (HA06)
- Hidden Arsenal 7 (HA07)
- Hidden Summoners (HISU)
- High-Speed Riders (HSRD)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Judgement of the Light (JOTL)
- King's Court (KICO)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 3 (LDS3)
- Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium (LED2)
- Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss (LED3)
- Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose (LED4)
- Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny (LED5)
- Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero (LED6)
- Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra (LED7)
- Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm (LED8)
- Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep (LED9)
- Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano (LD10)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-EN)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Legends of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Legendary Duelists (LEDU)
- Mystic Fighters (MYFI)
- Maze of Millennia (MZMI)
- Metal Raiders (MRD)
- Magic Ruler (MRL)
- Valiant Smashers (VASM)
- Magician's Force (MFC)
- Tactical Masters (TAMA)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Maze of Memories (MAZE)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Number Hunters (NUMH)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Power of the Elements (POTE)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PSV)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD)
- Pendulum Evolution (PEVO)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Secret Slayers (SESL)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Shadows in Valhalla (SHVA)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Spirit Warriors (SPWA)
- Toon Chaos (TOCH)
- The Grand Creators (GRCR)
- The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The Infinity Chasers (INCH)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Secret Forces (THSF)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- World Superstars (WSUP)
- Wing Raiders (WIRA)
- Wild Survivors (WISU)
Structure Decks
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgement (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-volt (SD10)
- Emperor of Darkness (SR01)
- Rise of the True Dragons (SR02)
- Machine Reactor (SR03)
- Dinosmasher's Fury (SR04)
- Wave of Light (SR05)
- Lair of Darkness (SR06)
- Zombie Horde (SR07)
- Order of the Spellcasters (SR08)
- Mechanized Madness (SR10)
- Dragons Collide (SDDC)
- Lost Sanctuary (SDLS)
- Samurai Warlords (SDWA)
- Gates of the Underworld (SDGU)
- Zombie World (SDZW)
- Realm of the Sea Emperor (SDRE)
- Dark Emperor (SDDE)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SDOK)
- Dragunity Legion (SDDL)
- Warrior's Strike (SDWS)
- Machina Mayhem (SDMM)
- Rise of the Dragon Lords (SDRL)
- Marik (SDMA)
- Spellcaster's Command (SDSC)
- Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (SDBE)
- Cyber Dragon Revolution (SDCR)
- Realm of Light (SDLI)
- Geargia Rampage (SDGR)
- Hero Strike (SDHS)
- Synchron Extreme (SDSE)
- Master of Pendulum (SDMP)
- Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Pendulum Domination (SDPD)
- Cyberse Link (SDCL)
- Powercode Link (SDPL)
- Soulburner (SDSB)
- Rokket Revolt (SDRR)
- Shaddoll Showdown (SDSH)
- Sacred Beasts (SDSA)
- Spirit Charmers (SDCH)
- Freezing Chains (SDFC)
- Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor (EGO1)
- Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon (EGS1)
- Cyber Strike (SDCS)
- Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
- Dark World (SR13)
- Legend of the Crystal Beasts (SDCB)
- Beware of Traptrix (SDBT)
- The Crimson King (SDCK)
- Fire Kings (SR14)
Starter Decks
- Starter Deck:Dawn of the Xyz (YS11)
- Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony (YS12)
- Super Starter: V for Victory (YS13)
- Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown (YS14)
- Starter Deck: Saber Force (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Dark Legion (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Yuya (YS16)
- Starter Deck: Link Strike (YS17)
- 5D's Starter Deck (5DS1)
- 5D's Starter Deck 2009 (5DS2)
- 5D's Duelist Toolbox (5DS3)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded (YSYR)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded (YSKR)
- Starter Deck: Yugi (SDY)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba (SDK)
- Starter Deck: Pegasus (SDP)
- Starter Deck: Joey (SDJ)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution (SYE)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution (SKE)
- Yugi Starter Deck (YSD)
- Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki (YSDJ)
- Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS)
- Starter Deck: Codebreaker (YS18)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAS)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAX)
Reprint Series
- Battle Pack 1 (BP01)
- Battle Pack 2 (BP02)
- Battle Pack 2 (BPW2)
- Battle Pack 3 (BP03)
- Dark Beginnings 1 (DB1)
- Dark Beginnings 2 (DB2)
- Dark Revelations 1 (DR1)
- Dark Revelations 2 (DR2)
- Dark Revelations 3 (DR3)
- Dark Revelations 4 (DR04)
- Duel Devastator (DUDE)
- Duel Overload (DUOVDuel Overload)
- Dark Legends (DLG1)
- Duelist Saga (DUSA)
- Gold Series 1 (GLD1)
- Gold Series 2 (GLD2)
- Gold Series 3 (GLD3)
- Gold Series 4 (GLD4)
- Gold Series 5 (GLD5)
- Premium Gold (PGLD)
- Premium Gold Return the Bling (PGL2)
- Premium Gold: Infinite Gold (PGL3)
- Legendary Hero Decks (LEHD)
- Legendary Collection 1 (LC01)
- Legendary Collection 2 (LCGX)
- Legendary Collection 3 (LCYW)
- Legendary Collection 4 (LCJW)
- Legendary Collection 5D's (LC5D)
- Millennium Pack (MIL1)
- Maximum Gold (MAGO)
- Maximum Gold: El Dorado (MGED)
- Noble Knights Round Table (NKRT)
- Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
- Retro Pack 1 (RP01)
- Retro Pack 2 (RP02)
- Star Pack 2013 (SP13)
- Star Pack 2014 (SP14)
- Star Pack ARC-V (SP15)
- Star Pack Battle Royal (SP17)
- Star Pack VRAINS (SP18)
- Legendary Collection Kaiba (LCKC)
- Legendary Decks (YGLD)
- Legendary Decks II (LDK2)
- Legendary Dragon Decks (LEDD)
- 2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP14)
- 2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP15)
- 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP16)
- 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP17)
- 2018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP18)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack (MP19)
- 2020 Tin of Lost Memories (MP20)
- 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (MP21)
- 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods (MP22)
- Dueling Heroes Mega Pack (MP23)
- 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (MP24)
- Kaiba's Collector Box (KACB)
- Yugi's Collector Box (YUCB)
- War of the Giants Reinforcements (WGRT)
- Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (HAC1)
- Ghosts From the Past (GFTP)
- Ghosts from the Past: The 2nd Haunting (GFP2)
- Magnificent Mavens (MAMA)
- 25th Anniversary (REPRINT)
- 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (RA02)
Duelist Packs
- Duelist Pack 1: Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack 2: Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack 3: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03)
- Duelist Pack 4: Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack 5: Aster Phoenix (DP05)
- Duelist Pack 6: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack 7: Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack 8: Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack 9: Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack 10: Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack 11: Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DPYG)
- Duelist Pack: Kaiba (DPKB)
- Duelist Pack: Battle City (DPBC)
- Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
- Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians (DPDG)
- Duelist Packs: Special Edition (DPK)
- Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
Collectible Tins
- 2004 Collectors Tins (CT1)
- 2005 Collectors Tins (CT2)
- 2006 Collectors Tins (CT03)
- 2007 Collectors Tins (CT04)
- 2008 Collectors Tins (CT05)
- 2009 Collectors Tins (CT06)
- 2010 Collectors Tins (CT07)
- 2011 Collectors Tins (CT08)
- 2012 Collectors Tins (CT09)
- 2013 Collectors Tins (CT10)
- 2014 Collectors Tins (CT11)
- 2015 Collectors Tins (CT12)
- 2016 Collectors Tins (CT13)
- 2017 Collectors Tins (CT14)
- 2018 Collectors Tins (CT15)
- 2013 Zexal Collection (ZTIN)
- 2012 Premium Collection Tin (PRC1)
- 2009 Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin (TN19)
- Dueling Heroes (TN23)
- Tournament Packs
- Turbo Pack
- Champion Packs
- Astral Pack
OTS Tournament Pack
- OTS Tournament Pack 1 (OP01)
- OTS Tournament Pack 2 (OP02)
- OTS Tournament Pack 3 (OP03)
- OTS Tournament Pack 4 (OP04)
- OTS Tournament Pack 5 (OP05)
- OTS Tournament Pack 6 (OP06)
- OTS Tournament Pack 7 (OP07)
- OTS Tournament Pack 8 (OP08)
- OTS Tournament Pack 9 (OP09)
- OTS Tournament Pack 10 (OP10)
- OTS Tournament Pack 11 (OP11)
- OTS Tournament Pack 12 (OP12)
- OTS Tournament Pack 14 (OP14)
- Duel Terminal
Duelist League
- Duelist League 1 (DL1)
- Duelist League 2 (DL2)
- Duelist League 3 (DL3)
- Duelist League 4 (DL4)
- Duelist League Series 5 (DL5)
- Duelist League 7 (DL7)
- Duelist League 8 (DL8)
- Duelist League 9 (DL9)
- Duelist League 2010 (DL09)
- Duelist League 11 (DL11)
- Duelist League 12 (DL12)
- Duelist League 13 (DL13)
- Duelist League 14 (DL14)
- Duelist League 15 (DL15)
- Duelist League 16 (DL16)
- Duelist League 17 (DL17)
- Duelist League 18 (DL18)
- Premium Packs
- McDonald's Promo 1 (MP1)
- McDonald's Promo 2 (MDP2)
- Movie Pack 1 (MOV)
- Movie Pack 2 (MOV2)
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- World Championship 2004 (WC4)
- World Championship 2006 (WC6)
- World Championship 2007 (WC07)
- World Championship 2008 (WC08)
- World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator (WC09)
- World Championship Series (WCS)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers (WB01)
- GX Next Generation (GXNG)
- GX Tag Force (GX02)
- GX Spirit Caller (GX03)
- GX Tag Force 2 (GX04)
- GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 1 (YF01)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 2 (YF02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 4 (YG04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 7 (YG07)
- Exclusive Pack (EP1)
- Booster Pack Tins (BPT)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie (YMP1)
- Shonen Jump promotional (JUMP)
- Forbidden Memories Promo (FMR)
- Demo Pack (DEM1)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R promo cards (YR04)
- The Sacred Cards promotional (TSC)
- Reshef of Destruction promotional cards (ROD)
- Mattel Action Figure Serie 2 (MF02)
- Sneak Preview Cards: Series 1 (SP1)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Destiny Board Traveler (DBT)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer (YDT1)
- Forbidden Legacy (FL1)
- Yugioh Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge (PCK)
- Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny (PCY)
- Samurai Assault (SAAS)
- The Eternal Duelist Soul (EDS)
- Nightmare Troubadour (NTR)
- Dark Duel Stories (DDS)
- Hidden Arsenal Special Edition (HASE)
- The Falsebound Kingdom (TFK)
- GX Special Edition (GSE)
- Twilight Edition (TWED)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Demo Deck 2015 (DEM2)
- Battle Pack Tournament (BATT)
- World Championship 2011 (WP11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Promotional Cards (YZ0)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 5 (YG05)
- World Championship 2010 (WCPP)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Demo Deck 2016 (DEM3)
- Advent Calendar (AC11)
- Elemental Hero Collection 1 (EHC1)
- World Championship 2005 (WC5)
- Stairway to the Destined Duel (SDD)
- Sneak Peek Participation Card (SP2)
- X-Saber Power-Up (XSPU)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Advent Calendar 2018 (AC18)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Ultimate Edition 2 (UE02)
- The Lost Art Promotion (LART)
- Advent Calendar 2019 (AC19)
- Fire Fists: Special Edition (FFSE)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 3 (YG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011 (WC11)
- The Duelists of the Roses (DOR)
- Light and Darkness Power Pack (LDPP)
- Token Pack
- Hobby League
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Speed Duel
- Speed Duel: Starter Decks (SS0)
- Speed Duel: Duelists of Tomorrow (SS02)
- Ultimate Predators (SS03)
- Match of the Millennium (SS04)
- Twisted Nightmares (SS05)
- Arena of Lost Souls (SBLS)
- Attack from the Deep (SBAD)
- Scars of Battle (SBSC)
- Trials of the Kingdom (SBTK)
- Battle City Box (SBCB)
- Streets of Battle City (SBC1)
- Duel Academy (SGX1)
- Midterm Paradox (SGX2)
- Midterm Destruction (SGX4)
- Duelists of Shadows (SGX3)
- Speed Duel Tournament Pack
- Dice Masters
Base Set
Yugioh Avulso Japonês
Booster Series
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-JP)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Crossover Souls (CROS)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Cyberdark Impact
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossroads of Chaos
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-JP)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-JP)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-JP)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-JP)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA-JP)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-JP)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-JP)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- The Shining Darkness
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO-JP)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-JP)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-JP)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-JP)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-JP)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-JP)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH-JP)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-JP)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-JP)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-JP)
Booster Series 2
- Curse of Anubis (CA)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LN)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LB)
- Mythological Age (MA)
- Metal Raiders (ME)
- Magic Ruler (MR)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PS)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PH)
- Phantom God (PG)
- Revival of Black Demons Dragon (RB)
- Spell of Mask (SM)
- Struggle of Chaos (SC)
- Thousand Eyes Bible (TB)
- Booster 300
Structure Decks
- Advent of the Legendary Monarch (SR01)
- Revival of the Great Divine Dragon (SR02)
- Machine Dragon Re-Volt (SR03)
- Tyranno's Rage (SR04)
- Surge of Divine Light (SR05)
- Curse of the Dark (SR06)
- Undead World (SR07)
- Lord of Magician (SR08)
- Warrior's Strike (SR09-JP)
- Machiners Command (SR10)
- Dragunity Drive (SR11-JP)
- Lost Sanctuary (SR12-JP)
- Devil's Gate (SR13-JP)
- Structure Deck: Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Legend Deck Guide Yami Yugi (LG01)
- Legend Deck Guide Seto Kaiba (LG02)
- Half-Deck LIGHT (HD13-JPL)
- Half-Deck DARK (HD13-JPD)
- Half Deck 2018: LIGHT (HD18-JPL)
- Half Deck 2018: DARK (HD18-JPD)
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-Volt (SD10)
- Surge of Radiance (SD11)
- Curse of Darkness (SD12)
- Revival of the Great Dragon (SD13)
- Advent of the Emperor (SD14)
- Undead World (SD15)
- Lord of the Magician (SD16)
- Warriors' Strike
- Machiners Command (SD18)
- Dragunity Drive (SD19)
- Lost Sanctuary (SD20)
- Devil's Gate (SD21)
- Dragonic Legion (SD22)
- Roar of the Sea Emperor (SD23)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SD24)
- The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent (SD25)
- Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26)
- HERO's Strike (SD27)
- Synchron Extreme (SD28)
- Master of Pendulum (SD29)
- Pendulum Domination (SD30)
- Pendulum Evolution (SD31)
- Cyberse Link (SD32)
- Powercode Link (SD33)
- Master Link (SD34)
- Soulburner (SD35-JP)
- Revolver (SD36)
- Rebirth of Shaddoll (SD37-JP)
- Sacred Beasts of Chaos (SD38)
- Masters of the Spiritual Arts (SD39)
- Cyber Style's Successor (SD41-JP)
- Overlay Universe (SD42-JP)
- Legend of the Crystals (SD44-JP)
- Structure Deck Kaiba (KA)
- Structure Deck Pegasus (PE)
- Yugi (YU)
- Joey (JY)
- Marik (SDM)
- Yugi Volume 2 (SY2)
- Kaiba Volume 2 (SK2)
- Joey Volume 2 (SJ2)
Starter Deck
- Starter Deck 2006 (YSD)
- Starter Deck 2007 (YSD2)
- Starter Deck 2008 (YSD3)
- Starter Deck 2009 (YSD4)
- Starter Deck 2010 (YSD5)
- Starter Deck 2011 (YSD6)
- Starter Deck 2012 (ST12)
- Starter Deck 2013 (ST13)
- Starter Deck 2014 (ST14)
- Starter Deck 2016 (ST16)
- Starter Deck 2017 (ST17)
- Starter Deck 2018 (ST18)
- Starter Deck 2019 (ST19)
- Duelist Entry Deck VS (VS15)
- EX-R Starter Box (EX)
- Speed Start Deck Link Edition (SSD1-JP)
Reprint sets
- Duelist Legacy 1 (DL1)
- Duelist Legacy 2 (DL2)
- Duelist Legacy 3 (DL3)
- Duelist Legacy 4 (DL4)
- Duelist Legacy 5 (DL5)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 1 - (BE01)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 2 - (BE02)
- Beginner's Edition 1 (BE1)
- Beginner's Edition 2 (BE2)
- Duelist Edition 1 (DE01)
- Duelist Edition 2 (DE02)
- Duelist Edition 3 (DE03)
- Duelist Edition 4 (DE04)
- Expert Edition 1 (EE1)
- Expert Edition 2 (EE2)
- Expert Edition 3 (EE3)
- Expert Edition 4 (EE04)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-JP)
- Duelist Pack Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack Aster Phoenix (DP05-JP)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack Yuma (DP12)
- Duelist Pack Kite (DP13)
- Duelist Pack: Yuma 2 Gogogo & Dododo (DP14)
- Duelist Pack: Kastle Siblings (DP15)
- Duelist Pack Battle City (DP16)
- Duelist Pack: Pharaohs Memories (DP17)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist (DP18)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2 (DP19)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 (DP20)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4 (DP21)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 5 (DP22)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 6 (DP23)
- Duelists of Gloom (DP24)
- Duelists of Whirlwind (DP25-JP)
- Duelist Pack: Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-JP)
- Duelists of Brilliance (DP29-JP)
- Extra Pack
Collectors Pack
- Collectors Pack: Duelist of Destiny (CPD1)
- Duelist of Flash (CPF1)
- Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1)
- ZEXAL Version (CPZ1-JP)
- Tribe Force (SPTR)
- Raging Master (SPRG)
- Highspeed Riders (SPHR)
- Wing Raiders (SPWR)
- Destiny Soldiers (SPDS)
- Fusion Enforcers (SPFE)
- The Rarity Collection 1 (TRC1)
- Collectors Pack 2017 (CP17)
- Collectors Pack 2018 (CP18)
- Collection Pack 2019 (CP19-JP)
- Collection Pack 2020 (CP20)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary (RC02)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03)
- Animation Chronicle 2021 (AC01-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2024 (AC04-JP)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack (S/N)
- Premium Pack 2 (S/N)
- Premium Pack 3 (P3)
- Premium Pack 4 (P4)
- Premium Pack 5 (P5)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP6)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP7)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP8-JP)
- Premium Pack 9 (PP9)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11)
- Premium Pack 12 (PP12)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 15 (PP15-JP)
- Premium Pack 16 (PP16-JP)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17)
- Premium Pack 18 (PP18)
- Premium Pack 19 (PP19)
- Premium Pack 20 (PP20)
- Premium Pack 2019 (19PP)
- Premium Pack 2020 (20PP)
- Premium Pack 2021 (21PP-JP)
- The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century Edition (TDPP-JP)
Deck Build Pack
- Deck Custom Pack 01 (DC01)
- Ancient Guardians (DBAG-JP)
- Dark Savers (DBDS)
- Genesis Impactors (DBGI-JP)
- Hidden Summoners (DBHS)
- Infinity Chasers (DBIC)
- Mystic Fighters (DBMF)
- Secret Slayers (DBSS)
- Spirit Warriors (DBSW)
- Grand Creators (DBGC-JP)
- Tactical Masters (DBTM-JP)
- Wild Survivors (DBWS-JP)
- Decisive Strike Cyber Dragon (TT01-JPA)
- Phantom Thief Duo: Evil Twin (TT01-JPB)
- Adelantado: Eldlich (TT01-JPC)
- Gold Series
Advanced Tournament Pack
- Advanced Tournament Pack 2 (AT02-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 3 (AT03)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 4 (AT04-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 5 (AT05)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 6 (AT06)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 7 (AT07)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 8 (AT08)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 9 (AT09-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 10 (AT10)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 11 (AT11)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 12 (AT12)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 13 (AT13)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 14 (AT14)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 15 (AT15)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 16 (AT16)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 17 (AT17)
- Special Summon Evolution (VP14)
- 20th Legendary Collection (VP15)
- 20th Rival Collection (VP16)
- Link Vrains Edition (VP17)
- 20th Anniversary Legendary Dragons (VP18)
- 20th Anniversary Secret Selection (VP19)
- Prismatic Special Pack (VP20)
- Pharaonic Legend Pack (VP22)
- 20th Secret Rare Challenge Pack (20CP)
- Millennium Pack (MP01)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Piece of Memory Side Yugi Muto (15AX-JPM)
- Piece of Memory Side Yami Yugi (15AX-JPY)
- Bandai Sealdass
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- Master Collection 3 (MC03-JP)
- 20th Anniversary Pack (20AP)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (20TH)
- Jump Festa Limited Pack 2020 (JF20-JP)
- Bandai cards
- Entry Pack (EN01)
- The Thousand Rule Bible (TR)
- Booster Pack Tin (BPT)
- Token Gifts (TKN4)
- Academy Duel Disk Osiris Red (ADDR)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Chips (YCPC)
- Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack (YMP1)
- Dark Ceremony Edition (S/N)
- Duelist Card Protector Six Attribute Set (DCP1-JP)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 2 (PC2-JP)
- Duelist Festival 2016 (DF16-JP)
- Field Center Card (FCC)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version (DDY1)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version DX (DDY2)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Jump Heroes (JHS)
- Booster Pack Collectors Tin 2005 (BPT)
- Beginners Pack (BP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Theater (MOV2-JP)
- Academy Duel Disk (DD2-JP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2015 (RB02)
- Konami official tournament 2000 participation card (S/N)
- Prismatic Art Collection (PAC1-JP)
- Number Complete File Piece of Memories (NCF1-JP)
- The Valuable Book 1 (S/N)
- Prismatic God Box (PGB1-JP)
- Duel Disk (DD1)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers Bundles (WB01)
- Monster Figure Collection (MFC1)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-JP)
- Character Guidebook: Millennium Book (YCB2)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 8 (PC8)
- Quarter Century Legendary Selection (VP24)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Sticker Retsuden
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 31 (JCY-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 1 (YR1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 1 (YG01-JP)
- Yugioh 5D Manga
- Yugioh Zexal Manga
- Yugioh ARC-V Manga
- The Strongest Duelist Yuya (YS01)
- V Jump Cards Promotional (VJMP)
- Weekly Shōnen Jump (WJMP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2018 (RB05)
- The Valuable Book (VB)
- Saikyo Jump
- V Jump Card Festa (VJCF)
Video Game Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy (GX1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force (GX02-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller (GX03-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 (GX04-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (WC07-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 (WC08-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009 (WC09-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 (WC10)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus (WC11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7: The Duel City Legend (GB7-JP)
- 5D's Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05-JP)
- Tri-Holy God Advent (G3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-JP)
- Expert 1 (G5)
- Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (G6-JP)
- Duel Monsters (DMG)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories - S/N
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Duelist Legend in Tokyo Dome invitation cards (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Game Guide 2
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters: Sealed Memories (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters II: Succeeded Memories (S2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ULTIMATE MASTERS - World Championship Tournament 2006 (E06)
Game Guide Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour (NTR-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters IV: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-B1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (G5-B2-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories (S/N)
- Duel Monsters International: Worldwide Edition (GBI)
- Numbers Guide 2 (OG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Expert 3 (EX3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International 2 (DI2)
- Master Guide 2 (MG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction (GB8-JP)
- Numbers Guide 3 (OG03-JP)
- Master Guide 1 (MG1-JP)
- Master Guide 4 (MG04)
- Master Guide 3 (MG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth (YCB)
- Volumes
- Booster
- Promotion Packs
Duelist Boxes
- Version Lightning Star (DS13-JPL)
- Version Dark Returner (DS13)
- Version Lightlord Judgment (DS14)
- Version Machine-Gear Troopers (DS14-JPD)
- LINK VRAINS Duelist Set (LVDS)
- Millennium Box Gold Edition (MB01)
- Dimension Box (DBLE)
- Memory of the Duel King A (15AY-JPA)
- Memory of the Duel King B (15AYB)
- Memory of the Duel King C (15AYC)
- Duelist Box 2012 (DB12)
- 20th Anniversary Duelist Box (20TH)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-JP)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX (DR01-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX: Round 2 (DR02-JP)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-JP)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Unity (QCCU)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Pride (QCCP-JP)
Duel Terminal
- Synchro Awakening!! (DT01)
- Invasion of Worms!! (DT02)
- Justice Strikes Back!! (DT03)
- Demon Roar God Revival!! (DT04)
- Champion of Chaos!! (DT05)
- Dragunity of the Hurricane!! (DT06)
- Charge of the Genex!! (DT07)
- Pulse of the Trishula!! (DT08)
- Vylon Descends!! (DT09)
- Raid of the Inverz!! (DT10)
- Judgment of Omega!! (DT11)
- Xyz Startup!! (DT12)
- Sacred Star Knights!! (DT13)
- Ouroboros, Wicked Dragon of Destruction!! (DT14)
- Chronicle 1 - Chapter of Awakening (DTC1)
- Chronicle 2 - Chapter of Chaos (DTC2)
- Chronicle 3 - Chapter of Destruction (DTC3)
- Chronicle 4 - Chapter of Opposites (DTC4)
- Jump Festa
- Special Pack
Tournament Packs
- Tournament Pack 1 (TP01-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2 (TP02-JP)
- Tournament Pack 3 (TP03-JP)
- Tournament Pack 4 (TP04-JP)
- Tournament Pack 5 (TP05-JP)
- Tournament Pack 8 (TP08-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2009 (TP09)
- Tournament Pack 10 (TP10-JP)
- Tournament Pack 11 (TP11)
- Tournament Pack 13 (TP13)
- Tournament Pack 14 (TP14-JP)
- Tournament Pack 15 (TP15-JP)
- Tournament Pack 17 (TP17-JP)
- Tournament Pack 18 (TP18-JP)
- Tournament Pack 19 (TP19-JP)
- Tournament Pack 20 (TP20-JP)
- Tournament Pack 21 (TP21-JP)
- Tournament Pack 22 (TP22)
- Tournament Pack 23 (TP23-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2017 (17TP)
- Tournament Pack 2018 (18TP)
- Tournament Pack 2019 (19TP)
- Tournament Pack 2020 (20TP-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2021 (21TP-JP)
Limited Edition
- Limited Edition: Yugi Pack (S/N)
- Limited Edtion 2: Joey Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 2: Keith Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 3 (L3-JP)
- Limited Edition 4 (LE4-JP)
- Limited Edition 5 (LE5-JP)
- Limited Edition 6 (LE6)
- Limited Edition 7 (LE7-JP)
- Limited Edition 8 (LE8-JP)
- Limited Edition 9 (LE09-JP)
- Limited Edition 10 (LE10-JP)
- Limited Edition 11 (LE11-JP)
- Limited Edition 12 (LE12-JP)
- Limited Edition 13 (LE13-JP)
- Limited Edition 14 (LE14-JP)
- Limited Edition 15 (LE15)
- Limited Edition 16 (LE16-JP)
- Limited Edition 17 (LE17-JP)
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Starter Deck
- Strongest Battle Deck
- Go Rush Deck
Deck Mod Pack
- Hyperspeed Rush Road (RD/KP01)
- Shocking Lightning Attack (RD/KP02)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03)
- Destined Power Destruction!! (RD/KP04-JP)
- Requiem of Destruction!!
- Galaxy of Fate!! (RD/KP09-JP)
- Genesis Master Road!! (RD/KP08-JP)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (RD/KP07-JP)
- Fierce Thunder Storm!! (RD/KP06-JP)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-JP)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-JP)
Other booster sets
- Character Pack (CP01-JP)
- Go Rush Deck (GRD0-JP)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-JP)
- Victory Pack Legendary Red-Eyes (RD/VJMP)
- Maximum Ultra Enhancement Pack (RD/MAX1-JP)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-JP)
- Maximum Ultra Evolution Pack (RD/MAX2-JP)
- Extra Transcend Enhancement Pack (RD/EXT1-JP)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-JP)
- Magazines
Booster Series
Yugioh Coreano
Booster Box
- Abyss Rising (ABYR-KR)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-KR)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-KR)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ-KR)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP-KR)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-KR)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-KR)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-KR)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-KR)
- Flaming Eternity (FET-KR)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB-KR)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV-KR)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC-KR)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL-KR)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-KR)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON-KR)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY-KR)
- Light of Destruction (LODT-KR)
- Magician's Force (MFC-KR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS-KR)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD-KR)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW-KR)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS-KR)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU-KR)
- Savage Strike (SAST-KR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP-KR)
- Spell Ruler (SRL-K)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN-KR)
- Metal Raiders (MRD-K)
- Strike of Neos (STON-KR)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV-KR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR-KR)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU-KR)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE-KR)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD-KR)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR-KR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV-KR)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-KR)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD-KR)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS-KR)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ-KR)
- Circuit Break (CIBR-KR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL-KR)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-KR)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD-KR)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST-KR)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-KR)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-KR)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-KR)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-KR)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-KR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-KR)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE-KR)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-KR)
- Structure Decks
- Starter Deck
- Reprint Sets
Duelist Boxes
- Duelist Road Side: Yugi Muto (15AX-KRM)
- Duelist Road Side: Yami Yugi (15AX-KRY)
- Chronicle Binder (CHBI-KR)
- Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-KRA)
- Battle City Arc (15AY-KRB)
- Ceremonial Battle (15AY-KRC)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR)
- Selection 5 (SLF1-KR)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-KR)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03-KR)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (LEC1-KR)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-KR)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-KR)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-KR)
- Dimension Box Limited Edition (DBLE-KR)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary Edition (RC02-KR)
- Synergy Pack 01: Syncro Acceleration (SYP1-KR)
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Unity
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride (QCCP-KR)
- Quarter Century Duelist Box (QCDB-KR)
- Terminal World (TW01-KR)
- Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition (RC04-KR)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DP00-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki (DP1-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton (DP2-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale (DP04-KR)
- Aster Phoenix (DP05-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jesse Anderson (DP07-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei (DP08-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei 2 (DP09-KR)
- Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo (DP14-KR)
- Legend Duelist 4 (DP21-KR)
- Duelists of the Abyss (DP26-KR)
- Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-KR)
- Duelists of Explosion (DP28-KR)
- Collection Pack
- Deck Build Pack
- Promo Box
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Hyperspeed Rush Road!! (RD/KP01-KR)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03-KR)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-KR)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (KP07-KR)
- Genesis Master Road!! (KP08-KR)
- Galaxy of Fate!! (KP09-KR)
- Requiem of Destruction!! (RD/KP10-KR)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-KR)
- Cut Through! Sevens Road!! (RD/ST01-KR)
- Starter Deck Luke (RD/ST02-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck 2022 (RD/SD01-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Yuamu (RD/SD03-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Manabu (RD/SD04-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Zuwijo (RD/SD05-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (RD/GRD2-KR)
- Go Rush Deck Bonus Cards (RD/GRD0-KR)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-KR)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-KR)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-KR)
- Oblivion of the Flash (RD/KP13-KR)
- Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)
- Red Reboot of Darkness (RD/KP15-KR)
- Triple Build Pack: Godbreath Wing (RD/TB01-KR)
- Megaroad Pack 2 (MRP2-KR)
- History Archive Collection (RD/HC01-KR)
- The Ultimate Blue-Eyed Legend (RD/SD0A-KR)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack 1 (PP01-KR)
- Premium Pack 2 (PP02-KR)
- Premium Pack 3 (PP03-KR)
- Premium Pack 4 (PP04-KR)
- Premium Pack 5 (PP05-KR)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP06-KR)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP07-KR)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP08-KR)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10-KR)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11-KR)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13-KR)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17-KR)
- Premium Pack 2024 1st Wave (24PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRB)
- Hidden Arsenal
- Special Pack
- Gold Series
- Expansion Pack
- Extra Pack
Booster Box
- Yugioh Versao Asiatica
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Base Sets
- Absolute Judgment (G-BT08)
- Descent of the King of Knights (BT01)
- Onslaught of Dragon Souls (BT02)
- Demonic Lord Invasion (BT03)
- Awakening of Twin Blades (BT05)
- Rampage of the Beast King (BT07)
- Blue Storm Armada (BT08)
- Dragon King's Awakening (G-BT12)
- Transcension of Blade and Blossom (G-BT06)
- Soaring Ascent of Gale & Blossom (G-BT02)
- Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword (G-BT07)
- Moonlit Dragonfang (G-BT05)
- Divine Dragon Apocrypha (G-BT14)
- Soul Strike Against The Supreme (G-BT04)
- Trial Decks
- Extra Booster Sets
- Clan Booster Sets
Base Sets
- Dragon Ball Super
Yugioh Avulso Inglês
Yugioh Avulso Inglês
Base Set
- Amazing Defenders (AMDE)
- Ancient Guardians (ANGU)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO)
- Battles of Legend: Brothers of Legend (BROL)
- Battles of Legend - Armageddon (BLAR)
- Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 (BLC1)
- Battles of Legend - Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
- Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge (BLHR)
- Battles of Legend: Light’s Revenge (BLLR)
- Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge (BLMR)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Rage of the Abyss (ROTA)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP)
- Crossroads of Chaos (CSOC)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossed Souls (CROS)
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL)
- Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
- Dragons of Legend 2 (DRL2)
- Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (DRL3)
- Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (DLCS)
- Dimension Force (DIFO)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA)
- Duel Power (DUPO)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dark Crisis (DCR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Dark Saviors (DASA)
- Destiny Soldiers (DESO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Fists of the Gadgets (FIGA)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Fusion Enforcers (FUEN)
- Genesis Impact (GEIM)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Galatic Overlord (GAOV)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Hidden Arsenal 1 (HA01)
- Hidden Arsenal 2 (HA02)
- Hidden Arsenal 3 (HA03)
- Hidden Arsenal 4 (HA04)
- Hidden Arsenal 5 (HA05)
- Hidden Arsenal 6 (HA06)
- Hidden Arsenal 7 (HA07)
- Hidden Summoners (HISU)
- High-Speed Riders (HSRD)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Judgement of the Light (JOTL)
- King's Court (KICO)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 3 (LDS3)
- Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium (LED2)
- Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss (LED3)
- Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose (LED4)
- Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny (LED5)
- Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero (LED6)
- Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra (LED7)
- Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm (LED8)
- Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep (LED9)
- Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano (LD10)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-EN)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Legends of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Legendary Duelists (LEDU)
- Mystic Fighters (MYFI)
- Maze of Millennia (MZMI)
- Metal Raiders (MRD)
- Magic Ruler (MRL)
- Valiant Smashers (VASM)
- Magician's Force (MFC)
- Tactical Masters (TAMA)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Maze of Memories (MAZE)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Number Hunters (NUMH)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Power of the Elements (POTE)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PSV)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD)
- Pendulum Evolution (PEVO)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Secret Slayers (SESL)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Shadows in Valhalla (SHVA)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Spirit Warriors (SPWA)
- Toon Chaos (TOCH)
- The Grand Creators (GRCR)
- The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The Infinity Chasers (INCH)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Secret Forces (THSF)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- World Superstars (WSUP)
- Wing Raiders (WIRA)
- Wild Survivors (WISU)
Structure Decks
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgement (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-volt (SD10)
- Emperor of Darkness (SR01)
- Rise of the True Dragons (SR02)
- Machine Reactor (SR03)
- Dinosmasher's Fury (SR04)
- Wave of Light (SR05)
- Lair of Darkness (SR06)
- Zombie Horde (SR07)
- Order of the Spellcasters (SR08)
- Mechanized Madness (SR10)
- Dragons Collide (SDDC)
- Lost Sanctuary (SDLS)
- Samurai Warlords (SDWA)
- Gates of the Underworld (SDGU)
- Zombie World (SDZW)
- Realm of the Sea Emperor (SDRE)
- Dark Emperor (SDDE)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SDOK)
- Dragunity Legion (SDDL)
- Warrior's Strike (SDWS)
- Machina Mayhem (SDMM)
- Rise of the Dragon Lords (SDRL)
- Marik (SDMA)
- Spellcaster's Command (SDSC)
- Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (SDBE)
- Cyber Dragon Revolution (SDCR)
- Realm of Light (SDLI)
- Geargia Rampage (SDGR)
- Hero Strike (SDHS)
- Synchron Extreme (SDSE)
- Master of Pendulum (SDMP)
- Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Pendulum Domination (SDPD)
- Cyberse Link (SDCL)
- Powercode Link (SDPL)
- Soulburner (SDSB)
- Rokket Revolt (SDRR)
- Shaddoll Showdown (SDSH)
- Sacred Beasts (SDSA)
- Spirit Charmers (SDCH)
- Freezing Chains (SDFC)
- Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor (EGO1)
- Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon (EGS1)
- Cyber Strike (SDCS)
- Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
- Dark World (SR13)
- Legend of the Crystal Beasts (SDCB)
- Beware of Traptrix (SDBT)
- The Crimson King (SDCK)
- Fire Kings (SR14)
Starter Decks
- Starter Deck:Dawn of the Xyz (YS11)
- Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony (YS12)
- Super Starter: V for Victory (YS13)
- Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown (YS14)
- Starter Deck: Saber Force (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Dark Legion (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Yuya (YS16)
- Starter Deck: Link Strike (YS17)
- 5D's Starter Deck (5DS1)
- 5D's Starter Deck 2009 (5DS2)
- 5D's Duelist Toolbox (5DS3)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded (YSYR)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded (YSKR)
- Starter Deck: Yugi (SDY)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba (SDK)
- Starter Deck: Pegasus (SDP)
- Starter Deck: Joey (SDJ)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution (SYE)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution (SKE)
- Yugi Starter Deck (YSD)
- Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki (YSDJ)
- Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS)
- Starter Deck: Codebreaker (YS18)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAS)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAX)
Reprint Series
- Battle Pack 1 (BP01)
- Battle Pack 2 (BP02)
- Battle Pack 2 (BPW2)
- Battle Pack 3 (BP03)
- Dark Beginnings 1 (DB1)
- Dark Beginnings 2 (DB2)
- Dark Revelations 1 (DR1)
- Dark Revelations 2 (DR2)
- Dark Revelations 3 (DR3)
- Dark Revelations 4 (DR04)
- Duel Devastator (DUDE)
- Duel Overload (DUOVDuel Overload)
- Dark Legends (DLG1)
- Duelist Saga (DUSA)
- Gold Series 1 (GLD1)
- Gold Series 2 (GLD2)
- Gold Series 3 (GLD3)
- Gold Series 4 (GLD4)
- Gold Series 5 (GLD5)
- Premium Gold (PGLD)
- Premium Gold Return the Bling (PGL2)
- Premium Gold: Infinite Gold (PGL3)
- Legendary Hero Decks (LEHD)
- Legendary Collection 1 (LC01)
- Legendary Collection 2 (LCGX)
- Legendary Collection 3 (LCYW)
- Legendary Collection 4 (LCJW)
- Legendary Collection 5D's (LC5D)
- Millennium Pack (MIL1)
- Maximum Gold (MAGO)
- Maximum Gold: El Dorado (MGED)
- Noble Knights Round Table (NKRT)
- Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
- Retro Pack 1 (RP01)
- Retro Pack 2 (RP02)
- Star Pack 2013 (SP13)
- Star Pack 2014 (SP14)
- Star Pack ARC-V (SP15)
- Star Pack Battle Royal (SP17)
- Star Pack VRAINS (SP18)
- Legendary Collection Kaiba (LCKC)
- Legendary Decks (YGLD)
- Legendary Decks II (LDK2)
- Legendary Dragon Decks (LEDD)
- 2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP14)
- 2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP15)
- 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP16)
- 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP17)
- 2018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP18)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack (MP19)
- 2020 Tin of Lost Memories (MP20)
- 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (MP21)
- 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods (MP22)
- Dueling Heroes Mega Pack (MP23)
- 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (MP24)
- Kaiba's Collector Box (KACB)
- Yugi's Collector Box (YUCB)
- War of the Giants Reinforcements (WGRT)
- Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (HAC1)
- Ghosts From the Past (GFTP)
- Ghosts from the Past: The 2nd Haunting (GFP2)
- Magnificent Mavens (MAMA)
- 25th Anniversary (REPRINT)
- 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (RA02)
Duelist Packs
- Duelist Pack 1: Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack 2: Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack 3: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03)
- Duelist Pack 4: Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack 5: Aster Phoenix (DP05)
- Duelist Pack 6: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack 7: Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack 8: Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack 9: Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack 10: Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack 11: Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DPYG)
- Duelist Pack: Kaiba (DPKB)
- Duelist Pack: Battle City (DPBC)
- Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
- Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians (DPDG)
- Duelist Packs: Special Edition (DPK)
- Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
Collectible Tins
- 2004 Collectors Tins (CT1)
- 2005 Collectors Tins (CT2)
- 2006 Collectors Tins (CT03)
- 2007 Collectors Tins (CT04)
- 2008 Collectors Tins (CT05)
- 2009 Collectors Tins (CT06)
- 2010 Collectors Tins (CT07)
- 2011 Collectors Tins (CT08)
- 2012 Collectors Tins (CT09)
- 2013 Collectors Tins (CT10)
- 2014 Collectors Tins (CT11)
- 2015 Collectors Tins (CT12)
- 2016 Collectors Tins (CT13)
- 2017 Collectors Tins (CT14)
- 2018 Collectors Tins (CT15)
- 2013 Zexal Collection (ZTIN)
- 2012 Premium Collection Tin (PRC1)
- 2009 Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin (TN19)
- Dueling Heroes (TN23)
- Tournament Packs
- Turbo Pack
- Champion Packs
- Astral Pack
OTS Tournament Pack
- OTS Tournament Pack 1 (OP01)
- OTS Tournament Pack 2 (OP02)
- OTS Tournament Pack 3 (OP03)
- OTS Tournament Pack 4 (OP04)
- OTS Tournament Pack 5 (OP05)
- OTS Tournament Pack 6 (OP06)
- OTS Tournament Pack 7 (OP07)
- OTS Tournament Pack 8 (OP08)
- OTS Tournament Pack 9 (OP09)
- OTS Tournament Pack 10 (OP10)
- OTS Tournament Pack 11 (OP11)
- OTS Tournament Pack 12 (OP12)
- OTS Tournament Pack 14 (OP14)
- Duel Terminal
Duelist League
- Duelist League 1 (DL1)
- Duelist League 2 (DL2)
- Duelist League 3 (DL3)
- Duelist League 4 (DL4)
- Duelist League Series 5 (DL5)
- Duelist League 7 (DL7)
- Duelist League 8 (DL8)
- Duelist League 9 (DL9)
- Duelist League 2010 (DL09)
- Duelist League 11 (DL11)
- Duelist League 12 (DL12)
- Duelist League 13 (DL13)
- Duelist League 14 (DL14)
- Duelist League 15 (DL15)
- Duelist League 16 (DL16)
- Duelist League 17 (DL17)
- Duelist League 18 (DL18)
- Premium Packs
- McDonald's Promo 1 (MP1)
- McDonald's Promo 2 (MDP2)
- Movie Pack 1 (MOV)
- Movie Pack 2 (MOV2)
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- World Championship 2004 (WC4)
- World Championship 2006 (WC6)
- World Championship 2007 (WC07)
- World Championship 2008 (WC08)
- World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator (WC09)
- World Championship Series (WCS)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers (WB01)
- GX Next Generation (GXNG)
- GX Tag Force (GX02)
- GX Spirit Caller (GX03)
- GX Tag Force 2 (GX04)
- GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 1 (YF01)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 2 (YF02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 4 (YG04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 7 (YG07)
- Exclusive Pack (EP1)
- Booster Pack Tins (BPT)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie (YMP1)
- Shonen Jump promotional (JUMP)
- Forbidden Memories Promo (FMR)
- Demo Pack (DEM1)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R promo cards (YR04)
- The Sacred Cards promotional (TSC)
- Reshef of Destruction promotional cards (ROD)
- Mattel Action Figure Serie 2 (MF02)
- Sneak Preview Cards: Series 1 (SP1)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Destiny Board Traveler (DBT)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer (YDT1)
- Forbidden Legacy (FL1)
- Yugioh Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge (PCK)
- Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny (PCY)
- Samurai Assault (SAAS)
- The Eternal Duelist Soul (EDS)
- Nightmare Troubadour (NTR)
- Dark Duel Stories (DDS)
- Hidden Arsenal Special Edition (HASE)
- The Falsebound Kingdom (TFK)
- GX Special Edition (GSE)
- Twilight Edition (TWED)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Demo Deck 2015 (DEM2)
- Battle Pack Tournament (BATT)
- World Championship 2011 (WP11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Promotional Cards (YZ0)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 5 (YG05)
- World Championship 2010 (WCPP)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Demo Deck 2016 (DEM3)
- Advent Calendar (AC11)
- Elemental Hero Collection 1 (EHC1)
- World Championship 2005 (WC5)
- Stairway to the Destined Duel (SDD)
- Sneak Peek Participation Card (SP2)
- X-Saber Power-Up (XSPU)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Advent Calendar 2018 (AC18)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Ultimate Edition 2 (UE02)
- The Lost Art Promotion (LART)
- Advent Calendar 2019 (AC19)
- Fire Fists: Special Edition (FFSE)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 3 (YG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011 (WC11)
- The Duelists of the Roses (DOR)
- Light and Darkness Power Pack (LDPP)
- Token Pack
- Hobby League
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Speed Duel
- Speed Duel: Starter Decks (SS0)
- Speed Duel: Duelists of Tomorrow (SS02)
- Ultimate Predators (SS03)
- Match of the Millennium (SS04)
- Twisted Nightmares (SS05)
- Arena of Lost Souls (SBLS)
- Attack from the Deep (SBAD)
- Scars of Battle (SBSC)
- Trials of the Kingdom (SBTK)
- Battle City Box (SBCB)
- Streets of Battle City (SBC1)
- Duel Academy (SGX1)
- Midterm Paradox (SGX2)
- Midterm Destruction (SGX4)
- Duelists of Shadows (SGX3)
- Speed Duel Tournament Pack
- Dice Masters
Base Set
Yugioh Avulso Japonês
Booster Series
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-JP)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Crossover Souls (CROS)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Cyberdark Impact
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossroads of Chaos
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-JP)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-JP)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-JP)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-JP)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA-JP)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-JP)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-JP)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- The Shining Darkness
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO-JP)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-JP)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-JP)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-JP)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-JP)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-JP)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH-JP)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-JP)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-JP)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-JP)
Booster Series 2
- Curse of Anubis (CA)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LN)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LB)
- Mythological Age (MA)
- Metal Raiders (ME)
- Magic Ruler (MR)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PS)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PH)
- Phantom God (PG)
- Revival of Black Demons Dragon (RB)
- Spell of Mask (SM)
- Struggle of Chaos (SC)
- Thousand Eyes Bible (TB)
- Booster 300
Structure Decks
- Advent of the Legendary Monarch (SR01)
- Revival of the Great Divine Dragon (SR02)
- Machine Dragon Re-Volt (SR03)
- Tyranno's Rage (SR04)
- Surge of Divine Light (SR05)
- Curse of the Dark (SR06)
- Undead World (SR07)
- Lord of Magician (SR08)
- Warrior's Strike (SR09-JP)
- Machiners Command (SR10)
- Dragunity Drive (SR11-JP)
- Lost Sanctuary (SR12-JP)
- Devil's Gate (SR13-JP)
- Structure Deck: Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Legend Deck Guide Yami Yugi (LG01)
- Legend Deck Guide Seto Kaiba (LG02)
- Half-Deck LIGHT (HD13-JPL)
- Half-Deck DARK (HD13-JPD)
- Half Deck 2018: LIGHT (HD18-JPL)
- Half Deck 2018: DARK (HD18-JPD)
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-Volt (SD10)
- Surge of Radiance (SD11)
- Curse of Darkness (SD12)
- Revival of the Great Dragon (SD13)
- Advent of the Emperor (SD14)
- Undead World (SD15)
- Lord of the Magician (SD16)
- Warriors' Strike
- Machiners Command (SD18)
- Dragunity Drive (SD19)
- Lost Sanctuary (SD20)
- Devil's Gate (SD21)
- Dragonic Legion (SD22)
- Roar of the Sea Emperor (SD23)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SD24)
- The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent (SD25)
- Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26)
- HERO's Strike (SD27)
- Synchron Extreme (SD28)
- Master of Pendulum (SD29)
- Pendulum Domination (SD30)
- Pendulum Evolution (SD31)
- Cyberse Link (SD32)
- Powercode Link (SD33)
- Master Link (SD34)
- Soulburner (SD35-JP)
- Revolver (SD36)
- Rebirth of Shaddoll (SD37-JP)
- Sacred Beasts of Chaos (SD38)
- Masters of the Spiritual Arts (SD39)
- Cyber Style's Successor (SD41-JP)
- Overlay Universe (SD42-JP)
- Legend of the Crystals (SD44-JP)
- Structure Deck Kaiba (KA)
- Structure Deck Pegasus (PE)
- Yugi (YU)
- Joey (JY)
- Marik (SDM)
- Yugi Volume 2 (SY2)
- Kaiba Volume 2 (SK2)
- Joey Volume 2 (SJ2)
Starter Deck
- Starter Deck 2006 (YSD)
- Starter Deck 2007 (YSD2)
- Starter Deck 2008 (YSD3)
- Starter Deck 2009 (YSD4)
- Starter Deck 2010 (YSD5)
- Starter Deck 2011 (YSD6)
- Starter Deck 2012 (ST12)
- Starter Deck 2013 (ST13)
- Starter Deck 2014 (ST14)
- Starter Deck 2016 (ST16)
- Starter Deck 2017 (ST17)
- Starter Deck 2018 (ST18)
- Starter Deck 2019 (ST19)
- Duelist Entry Deck VS (VS15)
- EX-R Starter Box (EX)
- Speed Start Deck Link Edition (SSD1-JP)
Reprint sets
- Duelist Legacy 1 (DL1)
- Duelist Legacy 2 (DL2)
- Duelist Legacy 3 (DL3)
- Duelist Legacy 4 (DL4)
- Duelist Legacy 5 (DL5)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 1 - (BE01)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 2 - (BE02)
- Beginner's Edition 1 (BE1)
- Beginner's Edition 2 (BE2)
- Duelist Edition 1 (DE01)
- Duelist Edition 2 (DE02)
- Duelist Edition 3 (DE03)
- Duelist Edition 4 (DE04)
- Expert Edition 1 (EE1)
- Expert Edition 2 (EE2)
- Expert Edition 3 (EE3)
- Expert Edition 4 (EE04)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-JP)
- Duelist Pack Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack Aster Phoenix (DP05-JP)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack Yuma (DP12)
- Duelist Pack Kite (DP13)
- Duelist Pack: Yuma 2 Gogogo & Dododo (DP14)
- Duelist Pack: Kastle Siblings (DP15)
- Duelist Pack Battle City (DP16)
- Duelist Pack: Pharaohs Memories (DP17)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist (DP18)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2 (DP19)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 (DP20)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4 (DP21)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 5 (DP22)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 6 (DP23)
- Duelists of Gloom (DP24)
- Duelists of Whirlwind (DP25-JP)
- Duelist Pack: Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-JP)
- Duelists of Brilliance (DP29-JP)
- Extra Pack
Collectors Pack
- Collectors Pack: Duelist of Destiny (CPD1)
- Duelist of Flash (CPF1)
- Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1)
- ZEXAL Version (CPZ1-JP)
- Tribe Force (SPTR)
- Raging Master (SPRG)
- Highspeed Riders (SPHR)
- Wing Raiders (SPWR)
- Destiny Soldiers (SPDS)
- Fusion Enforcers (SPFE)
- The Rarity Collection 1 (TRC1)
- Collectors Pack 2017 (CP17)
- Collectors Pack 2018 (CP18)
- Collection Pack 2019 (CP19-JP)
- Collection Pack 2020 (CP20)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary (RC02)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03)
- Animation Chronicle 2021 (AC01-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2024 (AC04-JP)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack (S/N)
- Premium Pack 2 (S/N)
- Premium Pack 3 (P3)
- Premium Pack 4 (P4)
- Premium Pack 5 (P5)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP6)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP7)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP8-JP)
- Premium Pack 9 (PP9)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11)
- Premium Pack 12 (PP12)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 15 (PP15-JP)
- Premium Pack 16 (PP16-JP)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17)
- Premium Pack 18 (PP18)
- Premium Pack 19 (PP19)
- Premium Pack 20 (PP20)
- Premium Pack 2019 (19PP)
- Premium Pack 2020 (20PP)
- Premium Pack 2021 (21PP-JP)
- The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century Edition (TDPP-JP)
Deck Build Pack
- Deck Custom Pack 01 (DC01)
- Ancient Guardians (DBAG-JP)
- Dark Savers (DBDS)
- Genesis Impactors (DBGI-JP)
- Hidden Summoners (DBHS)
- Infinity Chasers (DBIC)
- Mystic Fighters (DBMF)
- Secret Slayers (DBSS)
- Spirit Warriors (DBSW)
- Grand Creators (DBGC-JP)
- Tactical Masters (DBTM-JP)
- Wild Survivors (DBWS-JP)
- Decisive Strike Cyber Dragon (TT01-JPA)
- Phantom Thief Duo: Evil Twin (TT01-JPB)
- Adelantado: Eldlich (TT01-JPC)
- Gold Series
Advanced Tournament Pack
- Advanced Tournament Pack 2 (AT02-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 3 (AT03)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 4 (AT04-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 5 (AT05)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 6 (AT06)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 7 (AT07)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 8 (AT08)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 9 (AT09-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 10 (AT10)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 11 (AT11)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 12 (AT12)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 13 (AT13)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 14 (AT14)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 15 (AT15)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 16 (AT16)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 17 (AT17)
- Special Summon Evolution (VP14)
- 20th Legendary Collection (VP15)
- 20th Rival Collection (VP16)
- Link Vrains Edition (VP17)
- 20th Anniversary Legendary Dragons (VP18)
- 20th Anniversary Secret Selection (VP19)
- Prismatic Special Pack (VP20)
- Pharaonic Legend Pack (VP22)
- 20th Secret Rare Challenge Pack (20CP)
- Millennium Pack (MP01)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Piece of Memory Side Yugi Muto (15AX-JPM)
- Piece of Memory Side Yami Yugi (15AX-JPY)
- Bandai Sealdass
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- Master Collection 3 (MC03-JP)
- 20th Anniversary Pack (20AP)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (20TH)
- Jump Festa Limited Pack 2020 (JF20-JP)
- Bandai cards
- Entry Pack (EN01)
- The Thousand Rule Bible (TR)
- Booster Pack Tin (BPT)
- Token Gifts (TKN4)
- Academy Duel Disk Osiris Red (ADDR)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Chips (YCPC)
- Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack (YMP1)
- Dark Ceremony Edition (S/N)
- Duelist Card Protector Six Attribute Set (DCP1-JP)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 2 (PC2-JP)
- Duelist Festival 2016 (DF16-JP)
- Field Center Card (FCC)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version (DDY1)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version DX (DDY2)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Jump Heroes (JHS)
- Booster Pack Collectors Tin 2005 (BPT)
- Beginners Pack (BP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Theater (MOV2-JP)
- Academy Duel Disk (DD2-JP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2015 (RB02)
- Konami official tournament 2000 participation card (S/N)
- Prismatic Art Collection (PAC1-JP)
- Number Complete File Piece of Memories (NCF1-JP)
- The Valuable Book 1 (S/N)
- Prismatic God Box (PGB1-JP)
- Duel Disk (DD1)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers Bundles (WB01)
- Monster Figure Collection (MFC1)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-JP)
- Character Guidebook: Millennium Book (YCB2)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 8 (PC8)
- Quarter Century Legendary Selection (VP24)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Sticker Retsuden
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 31 (JCY-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 1 (YR1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 1 (YG01-JP)
- Yugioh 5D Manga
- Yugioh Zexal Manga
- Yugioh ARC-V Manga
- The Strongest Duelist Yuya (YS01)
- V Jump Cards Promotional (VJMP)
- Weekly Shōnen Jump (WJMP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2018 (RB05)
- The Valuable Book (VB)
- Saikyo Jump
- V Jump Card Festa (VJCF)
Video Game Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy (GX1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force (GX02-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller (GX03-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 (GX04-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (WC07-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 (WC08-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009 (WC09-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 (WC10)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus (WC11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7: The Duel City Legend (GB7-JP)
- 5D's Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05-JP)
- Tri-Holy God Advent (G3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-JP)
- Expert 1 (G5)
- Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (G6-JP)
- Duel Monsters (DMG)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories - S/N
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Duelist Legend in Tokyo Dome invitation cards (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Game Guide 2
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters: Sealed Memories (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters II: Succeeded Memories (S2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ULTIMATE MASTERS - World Championship Tournament 2006 (E06)
Game Guide Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour (NTR-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters IV: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-B1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (G5-B2-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories (S/N)
- Duel Monsters International: Worldwide Edition (GBI)
- Numbers Guide 2 (OG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Expert 3 (EX3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International 2 (DI2)
- Master Guide 2 (MG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction (GB8-JP)
- Numbers Guide 3 (OG03-JP)
- Master Guide 1 (MG1-JP)
- Master Guide 4 (MG04)
- Master Guide 3 (MG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth (YCB)
- Volumes
- Booster
- Promotion Packs
Duelist Boxes
- Version Lightning Star (DS13-JPL)
- Version Dark Returner (DS13)
- Version Lightlord Judgment (DS14)
- Version Machine-Gear Troopers (DS14-JPD)
- LINK VRAINS Duelist Set (LVDS)
- Millennium Box Gold Edition (MB01)
- Dimension Box (DBLE)
- Memory of the Duel King A (15AY-JPA)
- Memory of the Duel King B (15AYB)
- Memory of the Duel King C (15AYC)
- Duelist Box 2012 (DB12)
- 20th Anniversary Duelist Box (20TH)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-JP)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX (DR01-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX: Round 2 (DR02-JP)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-JP)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Unity (QCCU)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Pride (QCCP-JP)
Duel Terminal
- Synchro Awakening!! (DT01)
- Invasion of Worms!! (DT02)
- Justice Strikes Back!! (DT03)
- Demon Roar God Revival!! (DT04)
- Champion of Chaos!! (DT05)
- Dragunity of the Hurricane!! (DT06)
- Charge of the Genex!! (DT07)
- Pulse of the Trishula!! (DT08)
- Vylon Descends!! (DT09)
- Raid of the Inverz!! (DT10)
- Judgment of Omega!! (DT11)
- Xyz Startup!! (DT12)
- Sacred Star Knights!! (DT13)
- Ouroboros, Wicked Dragon of Destruction!! (DT14)
- Chronicle 1 - Chapter of Awakening (DTC1)
- Chronicle 2 - Chapter of Chaos (DTC2)
- Chronicle 3 - Chapter of Destruction (DTC3)
- Chronicle 4 - Chapter of Opposites (DTC4)
- Jump Festa
- Special Pack
Tournament Packs
- Tournament Pack 1 (TP01-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2 (TP02-JP)
- Tournament Pack 3 (TP03-JP)
- Tournament Pack 4 (TP04-JP)
- Tournament Pack 5 (TP05-JP)
- Tournament Pack 8 (TP08-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2009 (TP09)
- Tournament Pack 10 (TP10-JP)
- Tournament Pack 11 (TP11)
- Tournament Pack 13 (TP13)
- Tournament Pack 14 (TP14-JP)
- Tournament Pack 15 (TP15-JP)
- Tournament Pack 17 (TP17-JP)
- Tournament Pack 18 (TP18-JP)
- Tournament Pack 19 (TP19-JP)
- Tournament Pack 20 (TP20-JP)
- Tournament Pack 21 (TP21-JP)
- Tournament Pack 22 (TP22)
- Tournament Pack 23 (TP23-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2017 (17TP)
- Tournament Pack 2018 (18TP)
- Tournament Pack 2019 (19TP)
- Tournament Pack 2020 (20TP-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2021 (21TP-JP)
Limited Edition
- Limited Edition: Yugi Pack (S/N)
- Limited Edtion 2: Joey Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 2: Keith Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 3 (L3-JP)
- Limited Edition 4 (LE4-JP)
- Limited Edition 5 (LE5-JP)
- Limited Edition 6 (LE6)
- Limited Edition 7 (LE7-JP)
- Limited Edition 8 (LE8-JP)
- Limited Edition 9 (LE09-JP)
- Limited Edition 10 (LE10-JP)
- Limited Edition 11 (LE11-JP)
- Limited Edition 12 (LE12-JP)
- Limited Edition 13 (LE13-JP)
- Limited Edition 14 (LE14-JP)
- Limited Edition 15 (LE15)
- Limited Edition 16 (LE16-JP)
- Limited Edition 17 (LE17-JP)
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Starter Deck
- Strongest Battle Deck
- Go Rush Deck
Deck Mod Pack
- Hyperspeed Rush Road (RD/KP01)
- Shocking Lightning Attack (RD/KP02)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03)
- Destined Power Destruction!! (RD/KP04-JP)
- Requiem of Destruction!!
- Galaxy of Fate!! (RD/KP09-JP)
- Genesis Master Road!! (RD/KP08-JP)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (RD/KP07-JP)
- Fierce Thunder Storm!! (RD/KP06-JP)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-JP)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-JP)
Other booster sets
- Character Pack (CP01-JP)
- Go Rush Deck (GRD0-JP)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-JP)
- Victory Pack Legendary Red-Eyes (RD/VJMP)
- Maximum Ultra Enhancement Pack (RD/MAX1-JP)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-JP)
- Maximum Ultra Evolution Pack (RD/MAX2-JP)
- Extra Transcend Enhancement Pack (RD/EXT1-JP)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-JP)
- Magazines
Booster Series
Yugioh Coreano
Booster Box
- Abyss Rising (ABYR-KR)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-KR)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-KR)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ-KR)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP-KR)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-KR)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-KR)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-KR)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-KR)
- Flaming Eternity (FET-KR)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB-KR)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV-KR)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC-KR)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL-KR)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-KR)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON-KR)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY-KR)
- Light of Destruction (LODT-KR)
- Magician's Force (MFC-KR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS-KR)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD-KR)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW-KR)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS-KR)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU-KR)
- Savage Strike (SAST-KR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP-KR)
- Spell Ruler (SRL-K)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN-KR)
- Metal Raiders (MRD-K)
- Strike of Neos (STON-KR)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV-KR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR-KR)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU-KR)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE-KR)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD-KR)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR-KR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV-KR)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-KR)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD-KR)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS-KR)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ-KR)
- Circuit Break (CIBR-KR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL-KR)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-KR)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD-KR)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST-KR)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-KR)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-KR)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-KR)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-KR)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-KR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-KR)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE-KR)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-KR)
- Structure Decks
- Starter Deck
- Reprint Sets
Duelist Boxes
- Duelist Road Side: Yugi Muto (15AX-KRM)
- Duelist Road Side: Yami Yugi (15AX-KRY)
- Chronicle Binder (CHBI-KR)
- Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-KRA)
- Battle City Arc (15AY-KRB)
- Ceremonial Battle (15AY-KRC)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR)
- Selection 5 (SLF1-KR)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-KR)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03-KR)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (LEC1-KR)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-KR)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-KR)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-KR)
- Dimension Box Limited Edition (DBLE-KR)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary Edition (RC02-KR)
- Synergy Pack 01: Syncro Acceleration (SYP1-KR)
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Unity
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride (QCCP-KR)
- Quarter Century Duelist Box (QCDB-KR)
- Terminal World (TW01-KR)
- Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition (RC04-KR)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DP00-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki (DP1-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton (DP2-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale (DP04-KR)
- Aster Phoenix (DP05-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jesse Anderson (DP07-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei (DP08-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei 2 (DP09-KR)
- Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo (DP14-KR)
- Legend Duelist 4 (DP21-KR)
- Duelists of the Abyss (DP26-KR)
- Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-KR)
- Duelists of Explosion (DP28-KR)
- Collection Pack
- Deck Build Pack
- Promo Box
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Hyperspeed Rush Road!! (RD/KP01-KR)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03-KR)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-KR)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (KP07-KR)
- Genesis Master Road!! (KP08-KR)
- Galaxy of Fate!! (KP09-KR)
- Requiem of Destruction!! (RD/KP10-KR)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-KR)
- Cut Through! Sevens Road!! (RD/ST01-KR)
- Starter Deck Luke (RD/ST02-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck 2022 (RD/SD01-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Yuamu (RD/SD03-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Manabu (RD/SD04-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Zuwijo (RD/SD05-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (RD/GRD2-KR)
- Go Rush Deck Bonus Cards (RD/GRD0-KR)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-KR)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-KR)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-KR)
- Oblivion of the Flash (RD/KP13-KR)
- Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)
- Red Reboot of Darkness (RD/KP15-KR)
- Triple Build Pack: Godbreath Wing (RD/TB01-KR)
- Megaroad Pack 2 (MRP2-KR)
- History Archive Collection (RD/HC01-KR)
- The Ultimate Blue-Eyed Legend (RD/SD0A-KR)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack 1 (PP01-KR)
- Premium Pack 2 (PP02-KR)
- Premium Pack 3 (PP03-KR)
- Premium Pack 4 (PP04-KR)
- Premium Pack 5 (PP05-KR)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP06-KR)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP07-KR)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP08-KR)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10-KR)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11-KR)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13-KR)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17-KR)
- Premium Pack 2024 1st Wave (24PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRB)
- Hidden Arsenal
- Special Pack
- Gold Series
- Expansion Pack
- Extra Pack
Booster Box
- Yugioh Versao Asiatica
Yugioh Avulso Inglês
Base Set
- Amazing Defenders (AMDE)
- Ancient Guardians (ANGU)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO)
- Battles of Legend: Brothers of Legend (BROL)
- Battles of Legend - Armageddon (BLAR)
- Battles of Legend: Chapter 1 (BLC1)
- Battles of Legend - Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
- Battles of Legend: Hero's Revenge (BLHR)
- Battles of Legend: Light’s Revenge (BLLR)
- Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge (BLMR)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Rage of the Abyss (ROTA)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP)
- Crossroads of Chaos (CSOC)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossed Souls (CROS)
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL)
- Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
- Dragons of Legend 2 (DRL2)
- Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (DRL3)
- Dragons of Legend: The Complete Series (DLCS)
- Dimension Force (DIFO)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA)
- Duel Power (DUPO)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dark Crisis (DCR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Dark Saviors (DASA)
- Destiny Soldiers (DESO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Fists of the Gadgets (FIGA)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Fusion Enforcers (FUEN)
- Genesis Impact (GEIM)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Galatic Overlord (GAOV)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Hidden Arsenal 1 (HA01)
- Hidden Arsenal 2 (HA02)
- Hidden Arsenal 3 (HA03)
- Hidden Arsenal 4 (HA04)
- Hidden Arsenal 5 (HA05)
- Hidden Arsenal 6 (HA06)
- Hidden Arsenal 7 (HA07)
- Hidden Summoners (HISU)
- High-Speed Riders (HSRD)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Judgement of the Light (JOTL)
- King's Court (KICO)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
- Legendary Duelists: Season 3 (LDS3)
- Legendary Duelists: Ancient Millennium (LED2)
- Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss (LED3)
- Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose (LED4)
- Legendary Duelists: Immortal Destiny (LED5)
- Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero (LED6)
- Legendary Duelists: Rage of Ra (LED7)
- Legendary Duelists: Synchro Storm (LED8)
- Legendary Duelists: Duels From the Deep (LED9)
- Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano (LD10)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-EN)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Legends of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Legendary Duelists (LEDU)
- Mystic Fighters (MYFI)
- Maze of Millennia (MZMI)
- Metal Raiders (MRD)
- Magic Ruler (MRL)
- Valiant Smashers (VASM)
- Magician's Force (MFC)
- Tactical Masters (TAMA)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Maze of Memories (MAZE)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Number Hunters (NUMH)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Power of the Elements (POTE)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PSV)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD)
- Pendulum Evolution (PEVO)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Secret Slayers (SESL)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Shadows in Valhalla (SHVA)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Spirit Warriors (SPWA)
- Toon Chaos (TOCH)
- The Grand Creators (GRCR)
- The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The Infinity Chasers (INCH)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Secret Forces (THSF)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- World Superstars (WSUP)
- Wing Raiders (WIRA)
- Wild Survivors (WISU)
Structure Decks
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgement (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-volt (SD10)
- Emperor of Darkness (SR01)
- Rise of the True Dragons (SR02)
- Machine Reactor (SR03)
- Dinosmasher's Fury (SR04)
- Wave of Light (SR05)
- Lair of Darkness (SR06)
- Zombie Horde (SR07)
- Order of the Spellcasters (SR08)
- Mechanized Madness (SR10)
- Dragons Collide (SDDC)
- Lost Sanctuary (SDLS)
- Samurai Warlords (SDWA)
- Gates of the Underworld (SDGU)
- Zombie World (SDZW)
- Realm of the Sea Emperor (SDRE)
- Dark Emperor (SDDE)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SDOK)
- Dragunity Legion (SDDL)
- Warrior's Strike (SDWS)
- Machina Mayhem (SDMM)
- Rise of the Dragon Lords (SDRL)
- Marik (SDMA)
- Spellcaster's Command (SDSC)
- Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (SDBE)
- Cyber Dragon Revolution (SDCR)
- Realm of Light (SDLI)
- Geargia Rampage (SDGR)
- Hero Strike (SDHS)
- Synchron Extreme (SDSE)
- Master of Pendulum (SDMP)
- Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Pendulum Domination (SDPD)
- Cyberse Link (SDCL)
- Powercode Link (SDPL)
- Soulburner (SDSB)
- Rokket Revolt (SDRR)
- Shaddoll Showdown (SDSH)
- Sacred Beasts (SDSA)
- Spirit Charmers (SDCH)
- Freezing Chains (SDFC)
- Egyptian God Deck: Obelisk the Tormentor (EGO1)
- Egyptian God Deck: Slifer the Sky Dragon (EGS1)
- Cyber Strike (SDCS)
- Albaz Strike (SDAZ)
- Dark World (SR13)
- Legend of the Crystal Beasts (SDCB)
- Beware of Traptrix (SDBT)
- The Crimson King (SDCK)
- Fire Kings (SR14)
Starter Decks
- Starter Deck:Dawn of the Xyz (YS11)
- Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony (YS12)
- Super Starter: V for Victory (YS13)
- Super Starter: Space-Time Showdown (YS14)
- Starter Deck: Saber Force (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Dark Legion (YS15)
- Starter Deck: Yuya (YS16)
- Starter Deck: Link Strike (YS17)
- 5D's Starter Deck (5DS1)
- 5D's Starter Deck 2009 (5DS2)
- 5D's Duelist Toolbox (5DS3)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Reloaded (YSYR)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Reloaded (YSKR)
- Starter Deck: Yugi (SDY)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba (SDK)
- Starter Deck: Pegasus (SDP)
- Starter Deck: Joey (SDJ)
- Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution (SYE)
- Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution (SKE)
- Yugi Starter Deck (YSD)
- Starter Deck: Jaden Yuki (YSDJ)
- Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS)
- Starter Deck: Codebreaker (YS18)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAS)
- 2-Player Starter Set (STAX)
Reprint Series
- Battle Pack 1 (BP01)
- Battle Pack 2 (BP02)
- Battle Pack 2 (BPW2)
- Battle Pack 3 (BP03)
- Dark Beginnings 1 (DB1)
- Dark Beginnings 2 (DB2)
- Dark Revelations 1 (DR1)
- Dark Revelations 2 (DR2)
- Dark Revelations 3 (DR3)
- Dark Revelations 4 (DR04)
- Duel Devastator (DUDE)
- Duel Overload (DUOVDuel Overload)
- Dark Legends (DLG1)
- Duelist Saga (DUSA)
- Gold Series 1 (GLD1)
- Gold Series 2 (GLD2)
- Gold Series 3 (GLD3)
- Gold Series 4 (GLD4)
- Gold Series 5 (GLD5)
- Premium Gold (PGLD)
- Premium Gold Return the Bling (PGL2)
- Premium Gold: Infinite Gold (PGL3)
- Legendary Hero Decks (LEHD)
- Legendary Collection 1 (LC01)
- Legendary Collection 2 (LCGX)
- Legendary Collection 3 (LCYW)
- Legendary Collection 4 (LCJW)
- Legendary Collection 5D's (LC5D)
- Millennium Pack (MIL1)
- Maximum Gold (MAGO)
- Maximum Gold: El Dorado (MGED)
- Noble Knights Round Table (NKRT)
- Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
- Retro Pack 1 (RP01)
- Retro Pack 2 (RP02)
- Star Pack 2013 (SP13)
- Star Pack 2014 (SP14)
- Star Pack ARC-V (SP15)
- Star Pack Battle Royal (SP17)
- Star Pack VRAINS (SP18)
- Legendary Collection Kaiba (LCKC)
- Legendary Decks (YGLD)
- Legendary Decks II (LDK2)
- Legendary Dragon Decks (LEDD)
- 2014 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP14)
- 2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP15)
- 2016 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP16)
- 2017 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP17)
- 2018 Mega-Tin Mega Pack (MP18)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin Mega Pack (MP19)
- 2020 Tin of Lost Memories (MP20)
- 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (MP21)
- 2022 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods (MP22)
- Dueling Heroes Mega Pack (MP23)
- 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (MP24)
- Kaiba's Collector Box (KACB)
- Yugi's Collector Box (YUCB)
- War of the Giants Reinforcements (WGRT)
- Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (HAC1)
- Ghosts From the Past (GFTP)
- Ghosts from the Past: The 2nd Haunting (GFP2)
- Magnificent Mavens (MAMA)
- 25th Anniversary (REPRINT)
- 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (RA02)
Duelist Packs
- Duelist Pack 1: Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack 2: Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack 3: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03)
- Duelist Pack 4: Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack 5: Aster Phoenix (DP05)
- Duelist Pack 6: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack 7: Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack 8: Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack 9: Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack 10: Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack 11: Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DPYG)
- Duelist Pack: Kaiba (DPKB)
- Duelist Pack: Battle City (DPBC)
- Duelist Pack: Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
- Duelist Pack: Dimensional Guardians (DPDG)
- Duelist Packs: Special Edition (DPK)
- Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
Collectible Tins
- 2004 Collectors Tins (CT1)
- 2005 Collectors Tins (CT2)
- 2006 Collectors Tins (CT03)
- 2007 Collectors Tins (CT04)
- 2008 Collectors Tins (CT05)
- 2009 Collectors Tins (CT06)
- 2010 Collectors Tins (CT07)
- 2011 Collectors Tins (CT08)
- 2012 Collectors Tins (CT09)
- 2013 Collectors Tins (CT10)
- 2014 Collectors Tins (CT11)
- 2015 Collectors Tins (CT12)
- 2016 Collectors Tins (CT13)
- 2017 Collectors Tins (CT14)
- 2018 Collectors Tins (CT15)
- 2013 Zexal Collection (ZTIN)
- 2012 Premium Collection Tin (PRC1)
- 2009 Duelist Pack Collection Tin (DPCT)
- 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Tin (TN19)
- Dueling Heroes (TN23)
- Tournament Packs
- Turbo Pack
- Champion Packs
- Astral Pack
OTS Tournament Pack
- OTS Tournament Pack 1 (OP01)
- OTS Tournament Pack 2 (OP02)
- OTS Tournament Pack 3 (OP03)
- OTS Tournament Pack 4 (OP04)
- OTS Tournament Pack 5 (OP05)
- OTS Tournament Pack 6 (OP06)
- OTS Tournament Pack 7 (OP07)
- OTS Tournament Pack 8 (OP08)
- OTS Tournament Pack 9 (OP09)
- OTS Tournament Pack 10 (OP10)
- OTS Tournament Pack 11 (OP11)
- OTS Tournament Pack 12 (OP12)
- OTS Tournament Pack 14 (OP14)
- Duel Terminal
Duelist League
- Duelist League 1 (DL1)
- Duelist League 2 (DL2)
- Duelist League 3 (DL3)
- Duelist League 4 (DL4)
- Duelist League Series 5 (DL5)
- Duelist League 7 (DL7)
- Duelist League 8 (DL8)
- Duelist League 9 (DL9)
- Duelist League 2010 (DL09)
- Duelist League 11 (DL11)
- Duelist League 12 (DL12)
- Duelist League 13 (DL13)
- Duelist League 14 (DL14)
- Duelist League 15 (DL15)
- Duelist League 16 (DL16)
- Duelist League 17 (DL17)
- Duelist League 18 (DL18)
- Premium Packs
- McDonald's Promo 1 (MP1)
- McDonald's Promo 2 (MDP2)
- Movie Pack 1 (MOV)
- Movie Pack 2 (MOV2)
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- World Championship 2004 (WC4)
- World Championship 2006 (WC6)
- World Championship 2007 (WC07)
- World Championship 2008 (WC08)
- World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator (WC09)
- World Championship Series (WCS)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers (WB01)
- GX Next Generation (GXNG)
- GX Tag Force (GX02)
- GX Spirit Caller (GX03)
- GX Tag Force 2 (GX04)
- GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 1 (YF01)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume 2 (YF02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 4 (YG04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 7 (YG07)
- Exclusive Pack (EP1)
- Booster Pack Tins (BPT)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie (YMP1)
- Shonen Jump promotional (JUMP)
- Forbidden Memories Promo (FMR)
- Demo Pack (DEM1)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R promo cards (YR04)
- The Sacred Cards promotional (TSC)
- Reshef of Destruction promotional cards (ROD)
- Mattel Action Figure Serie 2 (MF02)
- Sneak Preview Cards: Series 1 (SP1)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Destiny Board Traveler (DBT)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer (YDT1)
- Forbidden Legacy (FL1)
- Yugioh Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge (PCK)
- Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny (PCY)
- Samurai Assault (SAAS)
- The Eternal Duelist Soul (EDS)
- Nightmare Troubadour (NTR)
- Dark Duel Stories (DDS)
- Hidden Arsenal Special Edition (HASE)
- The Falsebound Kingdom (TFK)
- GX Special Edition (GSE)
- Twilight Edition (TWED)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Demo Deck 2015 (DEM2)
- Battle Pack Tournament (BATT)
- World Championship 2011 (WP11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Promotional Cards (YZ0)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 5 (YG05)
- World Championship 2010 (WCPP)
- Duelist League Demo 2010 (DLDI)
- Demo Deck 2016 (DEM3)
- Advent Calendar (AC11)
- Elemental Hero Collection 1 (EHC1)
- World Championship 2005 (WC5)
- Stairway to the Destined Duel (SDD)
- Sneak Peek Participation Card (SP2)
- X-Saber Power-Up (XSPU)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Advent Calendar 2018 (AC18)
- GX Duel Academy (GX1)
- Ultimate Edition 2 (UE02)
- The Lost Art Promotion (LART)
- Advent Calendar 2019 (AC19)
- Fire Fists: Special Edition (FFSE)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 3 (YG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011 (WC11)
- The Duelists of the Roses (DOR)
- Light and Darkness Power Pack (LDPP)
- Token Pack
- Hobby League
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
Speed Duel
- Speed Duel: Starter Decks (SS0)
- Speed Duel: Duelists of Tomorrow (SS02)
- Ultimate Predators (SS03)
- Match of the Millennium (SS04)
- Twisted Nightmares (SS05)
- Arena of Lost Souls (SBLS)
- Attack from the Deep (SBAD)
- Scars of Battle (SBSC)
- Trials of the Kingdom (SBTK)
- Battle City Box (SBCB)
- Streets of Battle City (SBC1)
- Duel Academy (SGX1)
- Midterm Paradox (SGX2)
- Midterm Destruction (SGX4)
- Duelists of Shadows (SGX3)
- Speed Duel Tournament Pack
- Dice Masters
Base Set
Yugioh Avulso Japonês
Booster Series
- Abyss Rising (ABYR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR)
- Absolute Powerforce (ABPF)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-JP)
- Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
- Chaos Impact (CHIM)
- Crossover Souls (CROS)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE)
- Cyberdark Impact
- Code of the Duelist (COTD)
- Circuit Break (CIBR)
- Cybernetic Horizon (CYHO)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ)
- Crimson Crisis (CRMS)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV)
- Crossroads of Chaos
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-JP)
- Dark Neostorm (DANE)
- Dimension of Chaos (DOCS)
- Duelist Alliance (DUEA)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV)
- Extreme Force (EXFO)
- Extreme Victory (EXVC)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-JP)
- Elemental Energy (EEN)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD)
- Flaming Eternity (FET)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV)
- Generation Force (GENF)
- Gladiator's Assault (GLAS)
- Invasion: Vengeance (INOV)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-JP)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-JP)
- Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
- Light of Destruction (LODT)
- Maximum Crisis (MACR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS)
- Primal Origin (PRIO)
- Phantom Rage (PHRA-JP)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-JP)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN)
- Power of the Duelist (POTD)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-JP)
- Rising Rampage (RIRA)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS)
- Raging Battle (RGBT)
- Raging Tempest (RATE)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU)
- Secrets of Eternity (SECE)
- Savage Strike (SAST)
- Shining Victories (SHVI)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD)
- Strike of Neos (STON)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
- Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)
- The Dark Illusion (TDIL)
- The Shining Darkness
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
- The New Challengers (NECH)
- The Lost Millennium (TLM)
- The Infinite Forbidden (INFO-JP)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-JP)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-JP)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-JP)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-JP)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-JP)
- Battle of Chaos (BACH-JP)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-JP)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-JP)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-JP)
Booster Series 2
- Curse of Anubis (CA)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LN)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LB)
- Mythological Age (MA)
- Metal Raiders (ME)
- Magic Ruler (MR)
- Pharaoh's Servant (PS)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PH)
- Phantom God (PG)
- Revival of Black Demons Dragon (RB)
- Spell of Mask (SM)
- Struggle of Chaos (SC)
- Thousand Eyes Bible (TB)
- Booster 300
Structure Decks
- Advent of the Legendary Monarch (SR01)
- Revival of the Great Divine Dragon (SR02)
- Machine Dragon Re-Volt (SR03)
- Tyranno's Rage (SR04)
- Surge of Divine Light (SR05)
- Curse of the Dark (SR06)
- Undead World (SR07)
- Lord of Magician (SR08)
- Warrior's Strike (SR09-JP)
- Machiners Command (SR10)
- Dragunity Drive (SR11-JP)
- Lost Sanctuary (SR12-JP)
- Devil's Gate (SR13-JP)
- Structure Deck: Yugi Muto (SDMY)
- Structure Deck: Seto Kaiba (SDKS)
- Legend Deck Guide Yami Yugi (LG01)
- Legend Deck Guide Seto Kaiba (LG02)
- Half-Deck LIGHT (HD13-JPL)
- Half-Deck DARK (HD13-JPD)
- Half Deck 2018: LIGHT (HD18-JPL)
- Half Deck 2018: DARK (HD18-JPD)
- Dragon's Roar (SD1)
- Zombie Madness (SD2)
- Blaze of Destruction (SD3)
- Fury from the Deep (SD4)
- Warrior's Triumph (SD5)
- Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6)
- Invincible Fortress (SD7)
- Lord of the Storm (SD8)
- Dinosaur's Rage (SD09)
- Machine Re-Volt (SD10)
- Surge of Radiance (SD11)
- Curse of Darkness (SD12)
- Revival of the Great Dragon (SD13)
- Advent of the Emperor (SD14)
- Undead World (SD15)
- Lord of the Magician (SD16)
- Warriors' Strike
- Machiners Command (SD18)
- Dragunity Drive (SD19)
- Lost Sanctuary (SD20)
- Devil's Gate (SD21)
- Dragonic Legion (SD22)
- Roar of the Sea Emperor (SD23)
- Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SD24)
- The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent (SD25)
- Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26)
- HERO's Strike (SD27)
- Synchron Extreme (SD28)
- Master of Pendulum (SD29)
- Pendulum Domination (SD30)
- Pendulum Evolution (SD31)
- Cyberse Link (SD32)
- Powercode Link (SD33)
- Master Link (SD34)
- Soulburner (SD35-JP)
- Revolver (SD36)
- Rebirth of Shaddoll (SD37-JP)
- Sacred Beasts of Chaos (SD38)
- Masters of the Spiritual Arts (SD39)
- Cyber Style's Successor (SD41-JP)
- Overlay Universe (SD42-JP)
- Legend of the Crystals (SD44-JP)
- Structure Deck Kaiba (KA)
- Structure Deck Pegasus (PE)
- Yugi (YU)
- Joey (JY)
- Marik (SDM)
- Yugi Volume 2 (SY2)
- Kaiba Volume 2 (SK2)
- Joey Volume 2 (SJ2)
Starter Deck
- Starter Deck 2006 (YSD)
- Starter Deck 2007 (YSD2)
- Starter Deck 2008 (YSD3)
- Starter Deck 2009 (YSD4)
- Starter Deck 2010 (YSD5)
- Starter Deck 2011 (YSD6)
- Starter Deck 2012 (ST12)
- Starter Deck 2013 (ST13)
- Starter Deck 2014 (ST14)
- Starter Deck 2016 (ST16)
- Starter Deck 2017 (ST17)
- Starter Deck 2018 (ST18)
- Starter Deck 2019 (ST19)
- Duelist Entry Deck VS (VS15)
- EX-R Starter Box (EX)
- Speed Start Deck Link Edition (SSD1-JP)
Reprint sets
- Duelist Legacy 1 (DL1)
- Duelist Legacy 2 (DL2)
- Duelist Legacy 3 (DL3)
- Duelist Legacy 4 (DL4)
- Duelist Legacy 5 (DL5)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 1 - (BE01)
- Beginner's Edition (2011) 2 - (BE02)
- Beginner's Edition 1 (BE1)
- Beginner's Edition 2 (BE2)
- Duelist Edition 1 (DE01)
- Duelist Edition 2 (DE02)
- Duelist Edition 3 (DE03)
- Duelist Edition 4 (DE04)
- Expert Edition 1 (EE1)
- Expert Edition 2 (EE2)
- Expert Edition 3 (EE3)
- Expert Edition 4 (EE04)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki (DP1)
- Duelist Pack Chazz Princeton (DP2)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-JP)
- Duelist Pack Zane Truesdale (DP04)
- Duelist Pack Aster Phoenix (DP05-JP)
- Duelist Pack Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06)
- Duelist Pack Jesse Anderson (DP07)
- Duelist Pack Yusei (DP08)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 2 (DP09)
- Duelist Pack Yusei 3 (DP10)
- Duelist Pack Crow (DP11)
- Duelist Pack Yuma (DP12)
- Duelist Pack Kite (DP13)
- Duelist Pack: Yuma 2 Gogogo & Dododo (DP14)
- Duelist Pack: Kastle Siblings (DP15)
- Duelist Pack Battle City (DP16)
- Duelist Pack: Pharaohs Memories (DP17)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist (DP18)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2 (DP19)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 3 (DP20)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4 (DP21)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 5 (DP22)
- Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 6 (DP23)
- Duelists of Gloom (DP24)
- Duelists of Whirlwind (DP25-JP)
- Duelist Pack: Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-JP)
- Duelists of Brilliance (DP29-JP)
- Extra Pack
Collectors Pack
- Collectors Pack: Duelist of Destiny (CPD1)
- Duelist of Flash (CPF1)
- Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1)
- ZEXAL Version (CPZ1-JP)
- Tribe Force (SPTR)
- Raging Master (SPRG)
- Highspeed Riders (SPHR)
- Wing Raiders (SPWR)
- Destiny Soldiers (SPDS)
- Fusion Enforcers (SPFE)
- The Rarity Collection 1 (TRC1)
- Collectors Pack 2017 (CP17)
- Collectors Pack 2018 (CP18)
- Collection Pack 2019 (CP19-JP)
- Collection Pack 2020 (CP20)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary (RC02)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03)
- Animation Chronicle 2021 (AC01-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-JP)
- Animation Chronicle 2024 (AC04-JP)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack (S/N)
- Premium Pack 2 (S/N)
- Premium Pack 3 (P3)
- Premium Pack 4 (P4)
- Premium Pack 5 (P5)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP6)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP7)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP8-JP)
- Premium Pack 9 (PP9)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11)
- Premium Pack 12 (PP12)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 15 (PP15-JP)
- Premium Pack 16 (PP16-JP)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17)
- Premium Pack 18 (PP18)
- Premium Pack 19 (PP19)
- Premium Pack 20 (PP20)
- Premium Pack 2019 (19PP)
- Premium Pack 2020 (20PP)
- Premium Pack 2021 (21PP-JP)
- The Legend of Duelist Quarter Century Edition (TDPP-JP)
Deck Build Pack
- Deck Custom Pack 01 (DC01)
- Ancient Guardians (DBAG-JP)
- Dark Savers (DBDS)
- Genesis Impactors (DBGI-JP)
- Hidden Summoners (DBHS)
- Infinity Chasers (DBIC)
- Mystic Fighters (DBMF)
- Secret Slayers (DBSS)
- Spirit Warriors (DBSW)
- Grand Creators (DBGC-JP)
- Tactical Masters (DBTM-JP)
- Wild Survivors (DBWS-JP)
- Decisive Strike Cyber Dragon (TT01-JPA)
- Phantom Thief Duo: Evil Twin (TT01-JPB)
- Adelantado: Eldlich (TT01-JPC)
- Gold Series
Advanced Tournament Pack
- Advanced Tournament Pack 2 (AT02-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 3 (AT03)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 4 (AT04-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 5 (AT05)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 6 (AT06)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 7 (AT07)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 8 (AT08)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 9 (AT09-JP)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 10 (AT10)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 11 (AT11)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 12 (AT12)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 13 (AT13)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 14 (AT14)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 15 (AT15)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 16 (AT16)
- Advanced Tournament Pack 17 (AT17)
- Special Summon Evolution (VP14)
- 20th Legendary Collection (VP15)
- 20th Rival Collection (VP16)
- Link Vrains Edition (VP17)
- 20th Anniversary Legendary Dragons (VP18)
- 20th Anniversary Secret Selection (VP19)
- Prismatic Special Pack (VP20)
- Pharaonic Legend Pack (VP22)
- 20th Secret Rare Challenge Pack (20CP)
- Millennium Pack (MP01)
- The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (MVP1)
- Piece of Memory Side Yugi Muto (15AX-JPM)
- Piece of Memory Side Yami Yugi (15AX-JPY)
- Bandai Sealdass
- Master Collection 1 (MC1)
- Master Collection 2 (MC2)
- Master Collection 3 (MC03-JP)
- 20th Anniversary Pack (20AP)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (20TH)
- Jump Festa Limited Pack 2020 (JF20-JP)
- Bandai cards
- Entry Pack (EN01)
- The Thousand Rule Bible (TR)
- Booster Pack Tin (BPT)
- Token Gifts (TKN4)
- Academy Duel Disk Osiris Red (ADDR)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Chips (YCPC)
- Anniversary Pack (YAP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Movie Pack (YMP1)
- Dark Ceremony Edition (S/N)
- Duelist Card Protector Six Attribute Set (DCP1-JP)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 2 (PC2-JP)
- Duelist Festival 2016 (DF16-JP)
- Field Center Card (FCC)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version (DDY1)
- Duel Disk - Yusei Version DX (DDY2)
- Capsule Monster Coliseum (CMC)
- Jump Heroes (JHS)
- Booster Pack Collectors Tin 2005 (BPT)
- Beginners Pack (BP1)
- 3D Bonds Beyond Time Theater (MOV2-JP)
- Academy Duel Disk (DD2-JP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2015 (RB02)
- Konami official tournament 2000 participation card (S/N)
- Prismatic Art Collection (PAC1-JP)
- Number Complete File Piece of Memories (NCF1-JP)
- The Valuable Book 1 (S/N)
- Prismatic God Box (PGB1-JP)
- Duel Disk (DD1)
- 5D's Wheelie Breakers Bundles (WB01)
- Monster Figure Collection (MFC1)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-JP)
- Character Guidebook: Millennium Book (YCB2)
- World Ranking Promos: Series 8 (PC8)
- Quarter Century Legendary Selection (VP24)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Sticker Retsuden
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Volume 31 (JCY-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! R Volume 1 (YR1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 1 (YG01-JP)
- Yugioh 5D Manga
- Yugioh Zexal Manga
- Yugioh ARC-V Manga
- The Strongest Duelist Yuya (YS01)
- V Jump Cards Promotional (VJMP)
- Weekly Shōnen Jump (WJMP)
- Perfect Rulebook 2018 (RB05)
- The Valuable Book (VB)
- Saikyo Jump
- V Jump Card Festa (VJCF)
Video Game Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy (GX1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force (GX02-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller (GX03-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2 (GX04-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution (GX05)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 (GX06)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (WC07-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 (WC08-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009 (WC09-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 (WC10)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus (WC11)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7: The Duel City Legend (GB7-JP)
- 5D's Tag Force 4 (TF04)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (TF05-JP)
- Tri-Holy God Advent (G3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-JP)
- Expert 1 (G5)
- Duel Monsters 6 Expert 2 (G6-JP)
- Duel Monsters (DMG)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories - S/N
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Duelist Legend in Tokyo Dome invitation cards (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories Game Guide 2
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters: Sealed Memories (S/N)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters II: Succeeded Memories (S2)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! ULTIMATE MASTERS - World Championship Tournament 2006 (E06)
Game Guide Promotional Cards
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour (NTR-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters IV: Battle of Great Duelist (G4-B1-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5 Expert 1 (G5-B2-JP)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories (S/N)
- Duel Monsters International: Worldwide Edition (GBI)
- Numbers Guide 2 (OG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Expert 3 (EX3)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International 2 (DI2)
- Master Guide 2 (MG02)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction (GB8-JP)
- Numbers Guide 3 (OG03-JP)
- Master Guide 1 (MG1-JP)
- Master Guide 4 (MG04)
- Master Guide 3 (MG03)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Guidebook: The Gospel of Truth (YCB)
- Volumes
- Booster
- Promotion Packs
Duelist Boxes
- Version Lightning Star (DS13-JPL)
- Version Dark Returner (DS13)
- Version Lightlord Judgment (DS14)
- Version Machine-Gear Troopers (DS14-JPD)
- LINK VRAINS Duelist Set (LVDS)
- Millennium Box Gold Edition (MB01)
- Dimension Box (DBLE)
- Memory of the Duel King A (15AY-JPA)
- Memory of the Duel King B (15AYB)
- Memory of the Duel King C (15AYC)
- Duelist Box 2012 (DB12)
- 20th Anniversary Duelist Box (20TH)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-JP)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX (DR01-JP)
- Duel Royale Deck Set EX: Round 2 (DR02-JP)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-JP)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Unity (QCCU)
- Quarter Century Chronicle side: Pride (QCCP-JP)
Duel Terminal
- Synchro Awakening!! (DT01)
- Invasion of Worms!! (DT02)
- Justice Strikes Back!! (DT03)
- Demon Roar God Revival!! (DT04)
- Champion of Chaos!! (DT05)
- Dragunity of the Hurricane!! (DT06)
- Charge of the Genex!! (DT07)
- Pulse of the Trishula!! (DT08)
- Vylon Descends!! (DT09)
- Raid of the Inverz!! (DT10)
- Judgment of Omega!! (DT11)
- Xyz Startup!! (DT12)
- Sacred Star Knights!! (DT13)
- Ouroboros, Wicked Dragon of Destruction!! (DT14)
- Chronicle 1 - Chapter of Awakening (DTC1)
- Chronicle 2 - Chapter of Chaos (DTC2)
- Chronicle 3 - Chapter of Destruction (DTC3)
- Chronicle 4 - Chapter of Opposites (DTC4)
- Jump Festa
- Special Pack
Tournament Packs
- Tournament Pack 1 (TP01-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2 (TP02-JP)
- Tournament Pack 3 (TP03-JP)
- Tournament Pack 4 (TP04-JP)
- Tournament Pack 5 (TP05-JP)
- Tournament Pack 8 (TP08-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2009 (TP09)
- Tournament Pack 10 (TP10-JP)
- Tournament Pack 11 (TP11)
- Tournament Pack 13 (TP13)
- Tournament Pack 14 (TP14-JP)
- Tournament Pack 15 (TP15-JP)
- Tournament Pack 17 (TP17-JP)
- Tournament Pack 18 (TP18-JP)
- Tournament Pack 19 (TP19-JP)
- Tournament Pack 20 (TP20-JP)
- Tournament Pack 21 (TP21-JP)
- Tournament Pack 22 (TP22)
- Tournament Pack 23 (TP23-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2017 (17TP)
- Tournament Pack 2018 (18TP)
- Tournament Pack 2019 (19TP)
- Tournament Pack 2020 (20TP-JP)
- Tournament Pack 2021 (21TP-JP)
Limited Edition
- Limited Edition: Yugi Pack (S/N)
- Limited Edtion 2: Joey Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 2: Keith Pack (WJ-JP)
- Limited Edition 3 (L3-JP)
- Limited Edition 4 (LE4-JP)
- Limited Edition 5 (LE5-JP)
- Limited Edition 6 (LE6)
- Limited Edition 7 (LE7-JP)
- Limited Edition 8 (LE8-JP)
- Limited Edition 9 (LE09-JP)
- Limited Edition 10 (LE10-JP)
- Limited Edition 11 (LE11-JP)
- Limited Edition 12 (LE12-JP)
- Limited Edition 13 (LE13-JP)
- Limited Edition 14 (LE14-JP)
- Limited Edition 15 (LE15)
- Limited Edition 16 (LE16-JP)
- Limited Edition 17 (LE17-JP)
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Starter Deck
- Strongest Battle Deck
- Go Rush Deck
Deck Mod Pack
- Hyperspeed Rush Road (RD/KP01)
- Shocking Lightning Attack (RD/KP02)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03)
- Destined Power Destruction!! (RD/KP04-JP)
- Requiem of Destruction!!
- Galaxy of Fate!! (RD/KP09-JP)
- Genesis Master Road!! (RD/KP08-JP)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (RD/KP07-JP)
- Fierce Thunder Storm!! (RD/KP06-JP)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-JP)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-JP)
Other booster sets
- Character Pack (CP01-JP)
- Go Rush Deck (GRD0-JP)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-JP)
- Victory Pack Legendary Red-Eyes (RD/VJMP)
- Maximum Ultra Enhancement Pack (RD/MAX1-JP)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-JP)
- Maximum Ultra Evolution Pack (RD/MAX2-JP)
- Extra Transcend Enhancement Pack (RD/EXT1-JP)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-JP)
- Magazines
Booster Series
Yugioh Coreano
Booster Box
- Abyss Rising (ABYR-KR)
- Burst of Destiny (BODE-KR)
- Blazing Vortex (BLVO-KR)
- Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ-KR)
- Cyberdark Impact (CDIP-KR)
- Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-KR)
- Darkwing Blast (DABL-KR)
- Dawn of Majesty (DAMA-KR)
- Eternity Code (ETCO-KR)
- Flaming Eternity (FET-KR)
- Force of the Breaker (FOTB-KR)
- Galactic Overlord (GAOV-KR)
- Invasion of Chaos (IOC-KR)
- Judgment of the Light (JOTL-KR)
- Lightning Overdrive (LIOV-KR)
- Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON-KR)
- Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR)
- Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY-KR)
- Light of Destruction (LODT-KR)
- Magician's Force (MFC-KR)
- Order of Chaos (ORCS-KR)
- Pharaonic Guardian (PGD-KR)
- Photon Shockwave (PHSW-KR)
- Rise of Destiny (RDS-KR)
- Return of the Duelist (REDU-KR)
- Savage Strike (SAST-KR)
- Shadow Specters (SHSP-KR)
- Spell Ruler (SRL-K)
- Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR)
- Phantom Darkness (PTDN-KR)
- Metal Raiders (MRD-K)
- Strike of Neos (STON-KR)
- Tactical Evolution (TAEV-KR)
- Ancient Prophecy (ANPR-KR)
- Soul Fusion (SOFU-KR)
- Clash of Rebellions (CORE-KR)
- Soul of the Duelist (SOD-KR)
- Storm of Ragnarok (STOR-KR)
- Duelist Revolution (DREV-KR)
- Ignition Assault (IGAS-KR)
- Flames of Destruction (FLOD-KR)
- The Duelist Genesis (TDGS-KR)
- Enemy of Justice (EOJ-KR)
- Circuit Break (CIBR-KR)
- Starstrike Blast (STBL-KR)
- Rise of the Duelist (ROTD-KR)
- Legacy of Darkness (LOD-KR)
- Ancient Sanctuary (AST-KR)
- Dimension Force (DIFO-KR)
- Power of the Elements (POTE-KR)
- Photon Hypernova (PHHY-KR)
- Duelist Nexus (DUNE-KR)
- Age of Overlord (AGOV-KR)
- Phantom Nightmare (PHNI-KR)
- Legacy of Destruction (LEDE-KR)
- Cyberstorm Access (CYAC-KR)
- Structure Decks
- Starter Deck
- Reprint Sets
Duelist Boxes
- Duelist Road Side: Yugi Muto (15AX-KRM)
- Duelist Road Side: Yami Yugi (15AX-KRY)
- Chronicle Binder (CHBI-KR)
- Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-KRA)
- Battle City Arc (15AY-KRB)
- Ceremonial Battle (15AY-KRC)
- Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR)
- Selection 5 (SLF1-KR)
- Selection 10 (SLT1-KR)
- Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC03-KR)
- 20th Anniversary Legend Collection (LEC1-KR)
- Animation Chronicle 2022 (AC02-KR)
- Secret Shiny Box (SSB1-KR)
- History Archive Collection (HC01-KR)
- Dimension Box Limited Edition (DBLE-KR)
- Rarity Collection 20th Anniversary Edition (RC02-KR)
- Synergy Pack 01: Syncro Acceleration (SYP1-KR)
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Unity
- Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride (QCCP-KR)
- Quarter Century Duelist Box (QCDB-KR)
- Terminal World (TW01-KR)
- Rarity Collection Quarter Century Edition (RC04-KR)
Duelist Pack
- Duelist Pack: Yugi (DP00-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki (DP1-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton (DP2-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 (DP03-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale (DP04-KR)
- Aster Phoenix (DP05-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 3 (DP06-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Jesse Anderson (DP07-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei (DP08-KR)
- Duelist Pack: Yusei 2 (DP09-KR)
- Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo (DP14-KR)
- Legend Duelist 4 (DP21-KR)
- Duelists of the Abyss (DP26-KR)
- Duelists of Pyroxene (DP27-KR)
- Duelists of Explosion (DP28-KR)
- Collection Pack
- Deck Build Pack
- Promo Box
- V Jump Edition
Rush Duel
- Hyperspeed Rush Road!! (RD/KP01-KR)
- Fantastrike Mirage Impact!! (RD/KP03-KR)
- Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05-KR)
- Chaotic Omega Rising!! (KP07-KR)
- Genesis Master Road!! (KP08-KR)
- Galaxy of Fate!! (KP09-KR)
- Requiem of Destruction!! (RD/KP10-KR)
- Fortissimo of the Whirlwinds!! (RD/KP11-KR)
- Cut Through! Sevens Road!! (RD/ST01-KR)
- Starter Deck Luke (RD/ST02-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck 2022 (RD/SD01-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Yuamu (RD/SD03-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Manabu (RD/SD04-KR)
- Strongest Battle Deck Zuwijo (RD/SD05-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1-KR)
- Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (RD/GRD2-KR)
- Go Rush Deck Bonus Cards (RD/GRD0-KR)
- Gold Rush Pack (RD/GRP1-KR)
- Megaroad Pack (RD/MRP1-KR)
- Over Rush Pack (RD/ORP1-KR)
- Oblivion of the Flash (RD/KP13-KR)
- Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)
- Red Reboot of Darkness (RD/KP15-KR)
- Triple Build Pack: Godbreath Wing (RD/TB01-KR)
- Megaroad Pack 2 (MRP2-KR)
- History Archive Collection (RD/HC01-KR)
- The Ultimate Blue-Eyed Legend (RD/SD0A-KR)
Premium Pack
- Premium Pack 1 (PP01-KR)
- Premium Pack 2 (PP02-KR)
- Premium Pack 3 (PP03-KR)
- Premium Pack 4 (PP04-KR)
- Premium Pack 5 (PP05-KR)
- Premium Pack 6 (PP06-KR)
- Premium Pack 7 (PP07-KR)
- Premium Pack 8 (PP08-KR)
- Premium Pack 10 (PP10-KR)
- Premium Pack 11 (PP11-KR)
- Premium Pack 13 (PP13-KR)
- Premium Pack 14 (PP14)
- Premium Pack 17 (PP17-KR)
- Premium Pack 2024 1st Wave (24PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRA)
- Premium Pack 2023 (23PP-KRB)
- Hidden Arsenal
- Special Pack
- Gold Series
- Expansion Pack
- Extra Pack
Booster Box
- Yugioh Versao Asiatica
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Base Sets
- Absolute Judgment (G-BT08)
- Descent of the King of Knights (BT01)
- Onslaught of Dragon Souls (BT02)
- Demonic Lord Invasion (BT03)
- Awakening of Twin Blades (BT05)
- Rampage of the Beast King (BT07)
- Blue Storm Armada (BT08)
- Dragon King's Awakening (G-BT12)
- Transcension of Blade and Blossom (G-BT06)
- Soaring Ascent of Gale & Blossom (G-BT02)
- Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword (G-BT07)
- Moonlit Dragonfang (G-BT05)
- Divine Dragon Apocrypha (G-BT14)
- Soul Strike Against The Supreme (G-BT04)
- Trial Decks
- Extra Booster Sets
- Clan Booster Sets
Base Sets
- Dragon Ball Super
New products
Borreload Dragon - QCCP-JP102
Black-Winged Dragon - QCCP-JP140
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