Unstable Evolution
Unstable Evolution - TDGS-EN060 - Super Rare - 1st Edition The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
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Unstable Evolution - TDGS-EN060 - Super Rare - 1st Edition The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
Cemetery Bomb - SOD-EN059 - Common - Soul of the Duelist (SOD) - Condição: Usada (98%)
General Gantala of the Ice Barrier - HA04-EN054 - Secret Rare - Hidden Arsenal 4 (HA04)
Leeching the Light - TSHD-EN061 - Common - The Shining Darkness (TSHD)
Constellar Meteor - HA07-EN069 - Super Rare - Hidden Arsenal 7 (HA07)
First Step Towards Infestation - HA05-EN057 - Super Rare - Hidden Arsenal 5 (HA05)
Verdant Sanctuary - CRMS-EN060 - Common - Crimson Crisis (CRMS) - Condição: Usada (95%)
Dark End Dragon - RYMP-EN066 - Super Rare - Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
Impenetrable Attack - REDU-EN066 - Common - Return of the Duelist (REDU)
Horn of the Unicorn - BP01-EN069 - Common - Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01)
Armor Ninjitsu Art of Freezing - ORCS-EN068 - Common - Order of Chaos (ORCS)
Legendary Wind-Up Key - GENF-EN053 - Common - Generation Force (GENF)
Swords of Revealing Light - YS13-ENV13 - Super Rare - V for Victory (YS13)
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack - LTGY-EN053 - Secret Rare - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry - JOTL-EN053 - Rare - Judgment of the Light (JOTL) - Condição:...
タイラント・プランテーション - Tyrant Farm - WPP1-JP069 - Common - World Premiere Pack 2020 (WPP1) - Versão...
ギガンティック・サンダークロス - Gigantic Thundercross - PHHY-JP072 - Common - Photon Hypernova (PHHY) - Versão...
烙印追放 - Branded Banishment - DIFO-JP072 - Rare - Dimension Force (DIFO) - Versão Japonesa
氷風のリフレイン - Icy Breeze Refrain - BLVO-JP072 - Common - Blazing Vortex (BLVO) - Versão Japonesa
ダイノルフィア・ソニック - Dinomorphia Sonic - BACH-JP072 - Rare - Battle of Chaos (BACH) - Versão Japonesa
裏切りの罪宝-シルウィア - Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera - AGOV-JP074 - Rare - Age of Overlord (AGOV) -...
スプリンガンズ・インタールーダー - Springans Interluder - DAMA-JP071 - Common - Dawn of Majesty (DAMA) - Versão...
伍世壊砕心 - Mannadium Breakheart - CYAC-JP072 - Common - Cyberstorm Access (CYAC) - Versão Japonesa
VV-マスターフェイズ - Vaylantz Wave - Master Phase - DUNE-JP074 - Common - Duelist Nexus (DUNE) - Versão...
壱世壊に軋む爪音 - Tearlaments Metanoise - POTE-JP071 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
마도서의 신판 - Spellbook of Judgment - RC04-KR055 - Super Rare - Rarity Collection Quarter Century...
열린 대지 - New Frontier - CYAC-KR054 - Rare - Cyberstorm Access (CYAC) - Versão Coreana
동료의 연 - Ties That Bind - LEDE-KR053 - Rare - Legacy of Destruction (LEDE) - Versão Coreana
백비트 - Back Beat - RD/HC01-KR054 - Super Rare - High-Grade Collection (RD/HC01) - Versão Coreana
투환향의 험준 - Peaks of Blisstopia - RD/TB01-KR054 - Common - Triple Build Pack: Godbreath Wing...
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