Next to be Lost - SOI-KR054
로스트 넥스트 - Next to be Lost - SOI-KR054 - Common - Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR) - Versão Coreana
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로스트 넥스트 - Next to be Lost - SOI-KR054 - Common - Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR) - Versão Coreana
유니콘의 뿔 - Horn of the Unicorn - SRL-K054 - Rare - Spell Ruler (SRL-K) - Versão Coreana
스프리건즈 워치 - Springans Watch - BLVO-KR054 - Super Rare - Blazing Vortex (BLVO-KR) - Versão Coreana
블랙 매지션 - Dark Magician - LGB1-KRS01 - Premium Gold Rare - Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR) - Versão...
Hieratic Seal of Convocation - GFTP-EN054 - Ultra Rare - Ghosts From the Past (GFTP)
에델리터-뱀파이어 브람 - Crimson Knight Vampire Bram - SHSP-KR054 - Super Rare - Shadow Specters (SHSP-KR)...
제로제록 - Zerozerock - CBLZ-KR054 - Common - Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ-KR) - Versão Coreana
No.66 패건갑충 마스터 키 비틀 - Number 66: Master Key Beetle - JOTL-KR054 - Rare - Judgment of the Light...
인잭터의 마검 잭트칼리버 - Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber - ORCS-KR054 - Common - Order of Chaos (ORCS-KR) -...
그레비티 블래스터 - Gravity Blaster - ABYR-KR054 - Common - Abyss Rising (ABYR-KR) - Versão Coreana
간염성-코우칸쇼 - Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal - LTGY-KR054 - Rare - Lord of the Tachyon...
진화의 기적 - Evo-Miracle - PHSW-KR054 - Common - Photon Shockwave (PHSW-KR) - Versão Coreana
오파츠 테크놀로지 - Chronomaly Technology - REDU-KR054 - Common - Return of the Duelist (REDU-KR) -...
습지초원 - Wetlands - LODT-KR054 - Common - Light of Destruction (LODT-KR) - Versão Coreana
XZ-캐터필러 캐논 - XZ-Tank Cannon - MFC-KR053 - Super Rare - Magician's Force (MFC-KR) - Versão Coreana
라이벌 등장! - A Rival Appears! - CRV-KR054 - Common - Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-KR) - Versão Coreana
번개 - Raigeki - LOB-K053 - Super Rare - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR) - Versão Coreana
버서크 스케일스 - Berserk Scales - GAOV-KR054 - Common - Galactic Overlord (GAOV-KR) - Versão Coreana
黄金郷のガーディアン - Guardian of the Golden Land - DBSS-JP032 - Common - Deck Build Pack: Secret Slayers...
슈팅 소닉 - Cosmic Flare - 20AP-KR053 - Ultra Parallel Rare - 20th Anniversary Pack 2nd Wave...
Armed Dragon Lightning - BLVO-EN053 - Common - Blazing Vortex (BLVO)
Starliege Photon Blast Dragon - LDS2-EN054 - Ultra Rare - Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
마셔링 필드 - Marshalling Field - DBIC-KR045 - Common - Deck Build Pack: Infinity Chasers (DBIC-KR) -...
기관 연결 - Train Connection - LVP2-KR054 - Common - LINK VRAINS Pack 2 (LVP2-KR) - Versão Coreana
문라이트 팬서 댄서 - Lunalight Panther Dancer - DP21-KR053 - Common - Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4...
려신-시라누이 - Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy - SAST-KR054 - Ultra Rare - Savage Strike (SAST-KR) -...
만능지뢰 회색안개 - Widespread Ruin - 15AX-KRM54 - Common - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto...
공격 무력화 - Negate Attack - 15AX-KRY53 - Common - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yami Yugi...
중력 해제 - Zero Gravity - IOC-KR053 - Common - Invasion of Chaos (IOC-KR) - Versão Coreana
Wild Nature's Release - SBCB-EN054 - Common - Speed Duel: Battle City Box (SBCB)
地を這うドラゴン - Crawling Dragon - VOL4-67494157 - Common - Volume 4(VOL4) - Versão Japonesa -...
シルバー・フォング - Silver Fang - VOL1-90357090 - Common - Volume 1(VOL1) - Versão Japonesa
Tri-Brigade Airborne Assault - PHRA-EN053 - Secret Rare - Phantom Rage (PHRA)
フロッグ・バリア - Froggy Forcefield - DE02-JP154 - Common - Duelist Edition Volume 2 (DE02) - Versão...
黒羽を狩る者 - Hunter of Black Feathers - DE04-JP141 - Common - Duelist Edition Volume 4 (DE04) -...
御前試合 - Gozen Match - DE03-JP065 - Common - Duelist Edition Volume 3 (DE03) - Versão Japonesa
炎獄魔人ヘル・バーナー - Infernal Incinerator - EE04-JP072 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 4 (EE04) -...
錬金生物ホムンクルス - Homunculus the Alchemic Being - EE3-JP094 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 3 (EE3) -...
異次元の境界線 - D.D. Borderline - EE2-JP040 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 2 (EE2) - Versão Japonesa
団結するレジスタンス - United Resistance - EE1-JP058 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 1 (EE1) - Versão...
エクスチェンジ - Exchange - BE01-JP143 - Rare - Beginner's Edition 1 (2011) (BE01) - Versão Japonesa
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