Full Salvo - HGP4-KR176
풀 버스트 - Full Salvo - HGP4-KR176 - Common - Expert Edition 4 (HGP4) - Versão Coreana
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풀 버스트 - Full Salvo - HGP4-KR176 - Common - Expert Edition 4 (HGP4) - Versão Coreana
돈 터틀 - Don Turtle - HGP2-KR072 - Common - Expert Edition 2 (HGP2) - Versão Coreana
아누비스의 저주 - Curse of Anubis - ESP3-KR050 - Super Rare - Expansion Pack 3 (ESP3) - Versão Coreana
더스트 슛 - Trap Dustshoot - ESP2-KR051 - Rare - Expansion Pack 2 (ESP2) - Versão Coreana
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Infernal Flame Banshee - AGOV-AE043 - Rare - Age of Overlord (AGOV-AE) - Versao Asiatica
Garunix Eternity, Hyang of the Fire Kings - SR14-EN044 - Ultra Rare - Fire Kings (SR14)
Red Supernova Dragon - SDCK-EN044 - Super Rare - The Crimson King (SDCK)
찬미화 - Firebrand Hymnist - PP14-KRB08 - Normal Parallel Rare - Premium Pack 13 (PP14) - Versão...
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