Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark - DBAG-JP006
溟界の昏闇-アレート - Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark - DBAG-JP006 - Common - Ancient Guardians (DBAG) - Versão...
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溟界の昏闇-アレート - Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark - DBAG-JP006 - Common - Ancient Guardians (DBAG) - Versão...
シェル・ナイト - Shell Knight - 21PP-JP006 - Super Rare - Premium Pack 2021 (21PP) - Versão Japonesa
ラヴァルバル・ドラゴン - Lavalval Dragon - SLT1-JP006 - Common - Selection 10 (SLT1) - Versão Japonesa
驚楽園の支配人 <∀rlechino> - Amazement Administrator Arlekino - LIOV-JP006 - Ultra Rare - Lightning...
ドラグニティ-プリムス・ピルス - Dragunity Primus Pilus - SR11-JP006 - Common - Dragunity Drive (SR11) - Versão...
奇跡の創造者 - Creator of Miracles - NCF1-JPP03 - Ultra Rare - Number Complete File Piece of Memories...
스타더스트 드래곤 - Stardust Dragon - PAC1-KR006 - Normal Parallel Rare - Prismatic Art Collection...
スターダスト・ドラゴン - Stardust Dragon - PAC1-JP006 - Normal Parallel Rare - Prismatic Art Collection...
Springans Brothers - LIOV-EN005 - Common - Lightning Overdrive (LIOV)
웨더링솔저 - Weathering Soldier - CP20-KR005 - Rare - Collection Pack 2020 (CP20) - Versão Coreana
툰 테러 - Toon Terror - WPP1-KR005 - Common - World Premiere Pack 2020 (WPP1) - Versão Coreana
絶火の竜神マギストス・ドラゴンヴァフラム - Vahram, the Magistus Divinity Dragon - DBGI-JP006 - Ultra Rare - Genesis...
ユル縞しま仙せん人にん - Mountain Hermit Yur - RD/CP01-JP006 - Common - Character Pack (RD/CP01) - Versão...
네오 스페이시언 글로 모스 - Neo-Spacian Glow Moss - STON-KR006 - Common - Strike of Neos (STON-KR) - Versão...
아머 리저드 - Armored Lizard - MRD-K005 - Common - Metal Raiders (MRD-K) - Versão Coreana
사이버 베리어 드래곤 - Cyber Barrier Dragon - SOI-KR006 - Super Rare - Shadow of Infinity (SOI-KR) -...
악마의 키스 - Malevolent Nuzzler - SRL-K005 - Common - Spell Ruler (SRL-K) - Versão Coreana
스프리건즈 록키 - Springans Rockey - BLVO-KR006 - Common - Blazing Vortex (BLVO-KR) - Versão Coreana
마린세스 파스카루스 - Marincess Pascalus - LVDS-KRA06 - Ultra Rare - LINK VRAINS Duelist Set (LVDS-KR) -...
붉은 눈 융합 - Red-Eyes Fusion - LGB1-KR003 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR) -...
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier - SDFC-EN006 - Common - Freezing Chains (SDFC)
Nehshaddoll Genius - GFTP-EN006 - Ultra Rare - Ghosts From the Past (GFTP)
도도도 워리어 - Dododo Warrior - DP14-KR006 - Common - Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo...
BK 리베지 가드너 - Battlin' Boxer Rib Gardna - SHSP-KR006 - Common - Shadow Specters (SHSP-KR) - Versão...
ZW-토네이도 브링거 - ZW - Tornado Bringer - CBLZ-KR006 - Rare - Cosmo Blazer (CBLZ-KR) - Versão Coreana
SD 로보 라이오 - Super Defense Robot Lio - JOTL-KR006 - Common - Judgment of the Light (JOTL-KR) -...
샤크토퍼스 - Shocktopus - ORCS-KR006 - Common - Order of Chaos (ORCS-KR) - Versão Coreana
트라이포드 피시 - Tripod Fish - ABYR-KR006 - Common - Abyss Rising (ABYR-KR) - Versão Coreana
리틀 페어리 - Little Fairy - LTGY-KR006 - Common - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY-KR) - Versão Coreana
도토리도령 - Acorno - PHSW-KR006 - Common - Photon Shockwave (PHSW-KR) - Versão Coreana
H·C히로익 챌린저 워 해머 - Heroic Challenger - War Hammer - REDU-KR006 - Common - Return of the Duelist...
인조인간-사이코 리터너 - Jinzo - Returner - LODT-KR006 - Rare - Light of Destruction (LODT-KR) - Versão...
Y-드래곤 헤드 - Y-Dragon Head - MFC-KR005 - Super Rare - Magician's Force (MFC-KR) - Versão Coreana
패트로이드 - Patroid - CRV-KR006 - Common - Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-KR) - Versão Coreana
블랙 매지션 - Dark Magician - LOB-K005 - Ultra Rare - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR) -...
카드카·D디 - Cardcar D - GAOV-KR006 - Rare - Galactic Overlord (GAOV-KR) - Versão Coreana
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Armed Dragon LV10 White - BLVO-EN005 - Ultra Rare - Blazing Vortex (BLVO)
Maiden with Eyes of Blue - LDS2-EN006 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
사일런트 매지션 LV4 - Silent Magician LV4 - 15AY-KRC05 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial...
암흑 마족 길퍼 데몬 - Archfiend of Gilfer - 15AY-KRB05 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City...
암흑 기사 가이아 - Gaia The Fierce Knight - 15AY-KRA05 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist...
봉인된 자의 왼쪽 팔 - Left Arm of the Forbidden One - MB01-KR006 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck...
디코드 토커 - Decode Talker - CHBI-KRBS6 - Extra Secret Rare - 20th Anniversary Duelist Box: CHRONICLE...
해피 컨덕터 - Harpie Conductor - LVP2-KR006 - Super Rare - LINK VRAINS Pack 2 (LVP2-KR) - Versão Coreana
무한기동 스크레이퍼 - Infinitrack Tunneller - DBIC-KR006 - Common - Deck Build Pack: Infinity Chasers...
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