Cross Keeper - POTE-JP002
クロス・キーパー - Cross Keeper - POTE-JP002 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
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クロス・キーパー - Cross Keeper - POTE-JP002 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・ジェット - Spright Jet - POTE-JP004 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・ピックシーズ - Spright Pixies - POTE-JP005 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・レッド - Spright Red - POTE-JP006 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・キャロット - Spright Carrot - POTE-JP007 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
セリオンズ“エンプレス”アラシア - Therion Empress Alasia - POTE-JP008 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
氷水艇エーギロカシス - Icejade Creation Aegirocassis - POTE-JP010 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
ティアラメンツ・メイルゥ - Tearlaments Merrli - POTE-JP012 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
ティアラメンツ・ハゥフニス - Tearlaments Havnis - POTE-JP013 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
ティアラメンツ・レイノハート - Tearlaments Reinoheart - POTE-JP015 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
森と目覚の春化精 - Vernusylph of the Awakening Forests - POTE-JP017 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE)...
花と野原の春化精 - Vernusylph of the Flowering Fields - POTE-JP018 - Common - Power of the Elements...
山と雪解の春化精 - Vernusylph of the Thawing Mountains - POTE-JP019 - Common - Power of the Elements...
ジェムナイト・クォーツ - Gem-Knight Quartz - POTE-JP020 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
ブリリアント・ローズ - Brilliant Rose - POTE-JP021 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
メルフィー・ワラビィ - Melffy Wally - POTE-JP022 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
メルフィー・ラッシィ - Melffy Pinny - POTE-JP023 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スカー・ヴェンデット - Scar of the Vendread - POTE-JP024 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
エクソシスター・マルファ - Exosister Martha - POTE-JP025 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
赤しゃりの軍貫 - Gunkan Suship Shari Red - POTE-JP026 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
六花のしらひめ - Rikka Princess - POTE-JP027 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
斬機サーキュラー - Mathmech Circular - POTE-JP028 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
クローラー・ソゥマ - Krawler Soma - POTE-JP029 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
はぐれ・もけもけ - Mokey Mokey Adrift - POTE-JP030 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
グランドタスク・ドラゴン - Grandtusk Dragon - POTE-JP033 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
炎獣使い エーカ - Eka the Flame Buddy - POTE-JP034 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
プロパ・ガンダケ - Propa Gandake - POTE-JP035 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
水界の秘石-カトリン - Cartorhyn the Hidden Gem of the Seafront - POTE-JP036 - Rare - Power of the Elements...
お代狸様の代算様 - Emperor Tanuki's Critter Count - POTE-JP037 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
悪醒師ナイトメルト - Nightmell the Dark Bonder - POTE-JP038 - Normal Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
ハイドランダー・オービット - Hydralander Orbit - POTE-JP039 - Normal Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
うきうきメルフィーズ - Merry Melffys - POTE-JP045 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
P.U.N.K.JAMドラゴン・ドライブ - P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive - POTE-JP046 - Rare - Power of the Elements...
亜種羅王 - Ashura King - POTE-JP048 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スケアクロー・ライトハート - Scareclaw Light-Heart - POTE-JP050 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
インスタント・コンタクト - Instant Contact - POTE-JP052 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
ENウェーブ - EN Wave - POTE-JP053 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
融合超渦 - Over Fusion - POTE-JP054 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・スターター - Spright Starter - POTE-JP055 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スプライト・ガンマ・バースト - Spright Gamma Burst - POTE-JP056 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
スプライト・スマッシャーズ - Spright Smashers - POTE-JP057 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
烙印の命数 - Branded in Central Dogmatika - POTE-JP058 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
肆世壊からの天跨 - Scareclaw Straddle - POTE-JP059 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
壱世壊=ペルレイノ - Primeval Planet Perlereino - POTE-JP060 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
春化精の花冠 - Vernusylph Corolla - POTE-JP061 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
スキャッター・フュージョン - Scatter Fusion - POTE-JP062 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
メルフィーとにらめっこ - Melffy Staring Contest - POTE-JP063 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) -...
ラヴェナス・ヴェンデット - Ravenous Vendread - POTE-JP064 - Common - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão...
P.U.N.K.JAMエクストリーム・セッション - P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session - POTE-JP065 - Common - Power of the...
六花来々 - Rikka Konkon - POTE-JP066 - Rare - Power of the Elements (POTE) - Versão Japonesa
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