Fusionic Revivern - RD/KP14-KRS01
퓨저닉 리바이반 - Fusionic Revivern - RD/KP14-KRS01 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
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퓨저닉 리바이반 - Fusionic Revivern - RD/KP14-KRS01 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
더☆트리니티 드라기아스타 - The Trinity Dragiastar - RD/KP14-KRS02 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring...
웜 드레이크 - Worm Drake - RD/KP14-KR001 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) - Versão...
조인테크 코브라 - Jointech Cobra - RD/KP14-KR002 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
메가조인테크 포트렉스[L] - Mega Jointech Fortrex L - RD/KP14-KR003 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
메가조인테크 포트렉스 - Mega Jointech Fortrex - RD/KP14-KR004 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
메가조인테크 포트렉스[R] - Mega Jointech Fortrex R - RD/KP14-KR005 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 아크스콜피오 - Jointech Arc Scorpio - RD/KP14-KR006 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 스파이크센티피드 - Jointech Spike Centipede - RD/KP14-KR007 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 히어로 - Jointech Hero - RD/KP14-KR008 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
케미스펫 냥코 - Chemispet Nyanko - RD/KP14-KR009 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
케미스펫 멍코 - Chemispet Wanko - RD/KP14-KR010 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
수용정 멜트 - Melt the Aqueous Spirit - RD/KP14-KR011 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
전도정 볼트 - Bolt the Conduction Spirit - RD/KP14-KR012 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
화연정 핫 - Hot the Combustion Spirit - RD/KP14-KR013 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
HP 어시스턴트 아치 - Hyper Assistant Achi - RD/KP14-KR014 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
화굉람황 볼카라이즈 피닉스[L] - Blazebolt Chemistorm Fenghuang Volcalize Phoenix L - RD/KP14-KR015 - Ultra...
화굉람황 볼카라이즈 피닉스 - Blazebolt Chemistorm Fenghuang Volcalize Phoenix - RD/KP14-KR016 - Ultra Rare -...
화굉람황 볼카라이즈 피닉스[R] - Blazebolt Chemistorm Fenghuang Volcalize Phoenix R - RD/KP14-KR017 - Ultra...
비밀수사관 미스캐스트 - Agent Miscast - RD/KP14-KR018 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)...
비밀수사관 미스테이크 - Agent Mistake - RD/KP14-KR019 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)...
비밀수사관 미스매치 - Agent Mismatch - RD/KP14-KR020 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)...
비밀수사관 미스리드 - Agent Mislead - RD/KP14-KR021 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
엘리트 비밀수사관 미스터리 - Elite Secret Investigator Mystery - RD/KP14-KR022 - Rare - Phoenix of the...
어비스슬레이어 리바이어나이트 - Abysslayer Leviaknight - RD/KP14-KR023 - Ultra Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring...
어비스카이트 앙쥬 - Abysskite Ange - RD/KP14-KR024 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
어비스카이트 림 - Abysskite Liem - RD/KP14-KR025 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
어비스카이트 카렌 - Abysskite Karen - RD/KP14-KR026 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
환인주병 트레이론 - Constructor Driver Soldier Trailon - RD/KP14-KR027 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring...
체인지 슬라임-용기사모드 - Change Slime - Dragon Champion Mode - RD/KP14-KR028 - Common - Phoenix of the...
용주술의 마도사 - Dragoncurse Magician - RD/KP14-KR029 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
사출의 중강갑 거북 - Launcher Catapult Turtle - RD/KP14-KR030 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
력전의 커스 오브 드래곤 - Veteran Curse of Dragon - RD/KP14-KR031 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring...
력전의 암흑 기사 가이아 - Veteran Gaia the Fierce Knight - RD/KP14-KR032 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the...
폴리곤버터플라이 - Polygon Butterfly - RD/KP14-KR033 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)...
니게이터 드래곤 - Negatwor Dragon - RD/KP14-KR034 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
천시의 괴의 - Specter of Heaven's Beginning - RD/KP14-KR035 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring...
강철병 게일 바이너리 - Steel Soldier Gale Vinary - RD/KP14-KR036 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring...
앙광천사 에셀 - Rising Light Angel Essel - RD/KP14-KR037 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
갤럭테리얼 오아 - Galacterial Ore - RD/KP14-KR038 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
용해의 프슈케라 - Dino Skeleton Pushcera - RD/KP14-KR039 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
랜드포터 맥스 - Landporter MAX - RD/KP14-KR041 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
청정의 사희 - Snake Princess of Purity - RD/KP14-KR042 - Ultra Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 파이터 - Jointech Fighter - RD/KP14-KR043 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR)...
조인테크 킬러스팅거 - Jointech Killer Stinger - RD/KP14-KR044 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 버스트드래곤 - Jointech Burst Dragon - RD/KP14-KR045 - Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
백전의 패자 가이아 - Gaia the Battle Ruler - RD/KP14-KR046 - Super Rare - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
조인테크 디그업 - Jointech Dig Up - RD/KP14-KR047 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame (RD/KP14-KR) -...
볼카라이즈 컴파운드 - Volcalize Compound - RD/KP14-KR048 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring Flame...
케미컬라이즈 스트럭처포스 - Chemicalize Structure Force - RD/KP14-KR049 - Common - Phoenix of the Roaring...
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