Jointech Rex - RD/GRD2-JP001
ジョインテック・レックス - Jointech Rex - RD/GRD2-JP001 - Normal Parallel Rare - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
There are 63 products.
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ジョインテック・レックス - Jointech Rex - RD/GRD2-JP001 - Normal Parallel Rare - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ギャラクティカ・オブリビオン - Galactica Oblivion - RD/GRD1-JP001 - Normal Parallel Rare - Go Rush Deck:...
鋼機神ミラーイノベイター - Steeltek Deity Mirror Innovator - RD/GDR2-JP002 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ユニヴァース・デーア - Universe Dea - RD/GDR1-JP002 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
ドリリング・マンドリル - Drilling Mandrill - RD/GRD2-JP003 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2)...
コスモ・タイタン - Cosmo Titan - RD/GRD1-JP003 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
機動砦のバスキュール - Bascule the Moving Fortress - RD/GRD2-JP004 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ギャラクティカ・アムネジア - Galactica Amnesia - RD/GRD1-JP004 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive...
最強戦旗タフストライカー - Saikyo Battle Flag Tough Striker - RD/GRD2-JP005 - Common - Go Rush Deck -...
サイクリンネ - Rebirth Cycle - RD/GRD1-JP005 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
ガジェット・ソルジャー - Gadget Soldier - RD/GRD2-JP006 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
ヘヴン・ギャンゼル - Heaven Gancel - RD/GRD1-JP006 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
最強旗獣カノンライノ - Saikyo Flag Beast Rhino Cannon - RD/GRD2-JP007 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
シルヴァー・セイファート - Silver Seyfert - RD/GRD1-JP007 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1)...
ココイルゾウ - Elephound - RD/GRD2-JP008 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão...
メテオリーノ - Meteorhino - RD/GRD1-JP008 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
最強旗獣アバンウルフ - Saikyo Flag Beast Avan Wolf - RD/GRD2-JP009 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ストレンジ・トラヴェラー - Strange Traveler - RD/GRD1-JP009 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive...
ジョインテック・エース - Jointech Ace - RD/GRD2-JP010 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
トランザム・ライナック - Transamu Rainac - RD/GRD1-JP010 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1)...
アクア・ソーサラー - Aqua Sorcerer - RD/GRD2-JP011 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
ブライト・センチネル - Bright Sentinel - RD/GRD1-JP011 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1)...
ファイア・ソーサラー - Fire Sorcerer - RD/GRD2-JP012 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
シャドウ・センチネル - Shadow Sentinel - RD/GRD1-JP012 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1)...
ライト・ソーサラー - Light Sorcerer - RD/GRD2-JP013 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
ヴォルテクス・シューター - Vortex Shooter - RD/GRD1-JP013 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1)...
サージ・ボルト・リザード - Surge Bolt Lizard - RD/GRD2-JP014 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2)...
ジャイアント・バルジ - Giant Bulge - RD/GRD1-JP014 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
魔界の機械兵 - Cyber Soldier of Darkworld - RD/GRD2-JP015 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack...
オービット・スケーター - Orbit Skater - RD/GRD1-JP015 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
シン・シャイン・ニュー - Shining Employee Brand New - RD/GRD2-JP016 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ソラプヨ - Sorapuyo - RD/GRD1-JP016 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
ブル・ブレイカー - Bull Breaker - RD/GRD2-JP017 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão...
トランザム・クライネ - Transamu Klein - RD/GRD1-JP017 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
ライトニングブレイバー - Lightning Braver - RD/GRD2-JP018 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
インターステライム - Interstellime - RD/GRD1-JP018 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
アサルト・アルマート - Assault Armored - RD/GRD2-JP019 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
アステロイーバ - Asteroeva - RD/GRD1-JP019 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
クラフター・ドローン - Crafter Drone - RD/GRD2-JP020 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) -...
神風剣 - Kamikaze Blade - RD/GRD1-JP020 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
クリップテラ - Cliptera - RD/GRD2-JP021 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão Japonesa
貫通! - Piercing! - RD/GRD1-JP021 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
最強旗獣エイムイーグル - Saikyo Flag Beast Aim Eagle - RD/GRD2-JP022 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech...
ギャラクティカ・フォース - Galactica Force - RD/GRD1-JP022 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive...
タマボット - Tamabot - RD/GRD2-JP023 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão Japonesa
『攻撃』封じ - Block Attack - RD/GRD1-JP023 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
貫通! - Piercing! - RD/GRD2-JP024 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão Japonesa
正しき力 - Right Magic - RD/GRD1-JP024 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) - Versão...
鉄の重撃 - Iron Onslaught - RD/GRD2-JP025 - Common - Go Rush Deck - Jointech Attack (GRD2) - Versão...
ユニヴァーストーム - Universtorm - RD/GRD1-JP025 - Common - Go Rush Deck: Galactica Arrive (RD/GRD1) -...
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