Saion the Vaylantz Archer - DBTM-JP002
ヴァリアンツの弓引-西園 - Saion the Vaylantz Archer - DBTM-JP002 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão...
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ヴァリアンツの弓引-西園 - Saion the Vaylantz Archer - DBTM-JP002 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão...
ヴァリアンツの忍者-南月 - Nazuki the Vaylantz Ninja - DBTM-JP003 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão...
ヴァリアンツの武者-北条 - Hojo the Vaylantz Warrior - DBTM-JP004 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão...
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白銀の城の火吹炉 - Labrynth Stovie Torbie - DBTM-JP019 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
白銀の城の狂時計 - Labrynth Cooclock - DBTM-JP020 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
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破壊の神碑 - Runick Destruction - DBTM-JP031 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
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黄金の雫の神碑 - Runick Golden Droplet - DBTM-JP035 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
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白銀の城の竜飾灯 - Labrynth Chandraglier - DBTM-JP018 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
ラビュリンス・セッティング - Labrynth Set-Up - DBTM-JP022 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
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悪魔の技 - Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch - DBTM-JP026 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
破壊の神碑 - Runick Destruction - DBTM-JP031 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
まどろみの神碑 - Runick Slumber - DBTM-JP034 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
怒れる嵐の神碑 - Runick Smiting Storm - DBTM-JP036 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
神碑の翼ムニン - Munin the Runick Wings - DBTM-JP038 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
神碑の牙ゲーリ - Geri the Runick Fangs - DBTM-JP039 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
スケープ・ゴート - Scapegoat - DBTM-JP043 - Common - Tactical Masters (DBTM) - Versão Japonesa
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