Majesty Hyperion - SR12-JP001
マジェスティ・ヒュペリオン - Majesty Hyperion - SR12-JP001 - Ultra Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
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マジェスティ・ヒュペリオン - Majesty Hyperion - SR12-JP001 - Ultra Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
命の代行者 ネプチューン - The Agent of Life - Neptune - SR12-JP002 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
マスター・ヒュペリオン - Master Hyperion - SR12-JP003 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12)...
裁きの代行者 サターン - The Agent of Judgment - Saturn - SR12-JP004 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost...
英知の代行者 マーキュリー - The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury - SR12-JP005 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost...
力の代行者 マーズ - The Agent of Force - Mars - SR12-JP006 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
奇跡の代行者 ジュピター - The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter - SR12-JP007 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost...
死の代行者 ウラヌス - The Agent of Entropy - Uranus - SR12-JP008 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck...
神聖なる球体 - Mystical Shine Ball - SR12-JP009 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
大天使クリスティア - Archlord Kristya - SR12-JP010 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
虚無の統括者 - Vanity's Ruler - SR12-JP011 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
神聖なる魂 - Soul of Purity and Light - SR12-JP012 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12)...
アーティファクト-ロンギヌス - Artifact Lancea - SR12-JP013 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
天空の使者 ゼラディアス - Zeradias, Herald of Heaven - SR12-JP014 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost...
魂の造形家 - Spirit Sculptor - SR12-JP015 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
閃光の結界像 - Barrier Statue of the Heavens - SR12-JP016 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
生きる偲びのシルキィ - Ret-time Reviver Emit-ter - SR12-JP017 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R:...
朱光の宣告者 - Herald of Orange Light - SR12-JP018 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
ハイ・キューピット - Cupid Volley - SR12-JP019 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
イーバ - Eva - SR12-JP020 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
原始生命態ニビル - Nibiru, the Primal Being - SR12-JP021 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
天空の歌声 - The Chorus in the Sky - SR12-JP022 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12)...
天空の聖域 - The Sanctuary in the Sky - SR12-JP023 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
天空の宝札 - Cards from the Sky - SR12-JP024 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
パーシアスの神域 - The Sanctum of Parshath - SR12-JP025 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
終焉の地 - Demise of the Land - SR12-JP026 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
救援光 - Light of Redemption - SR12-JP027 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
強制転移 - Creature Swap - SR12-JP028 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
名推理 - Reasoning - SR12-JP029 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão Japonesa
強欲で貪欲な壺 - Pot of Desires - SR12-JP030 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
サンダー・ボルト - Raigeki - SR12-JP031 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão Japonesa
ハーピィの羽根帚 - Harpie's Feather Duster - SR12-JP032 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
失われた聖域 - Fallen Sanctuary - SR12-JP033 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
神罰 - Divine Punishment - SR12-JP034 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão...
奇跡の光臨 - Miraculous Descent - SR12-JP035 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
裁きの天秤 - Balance of Judgment - SR12-JP036 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
強制脱出装置 - Compulsory Evacuation Device - SR12-JP037 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
破壊輪 - Ring of Destruction - SR12-JP038 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
タイフーン - Typhoon - SR12-JP039 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) - Versão Japonesa
冥府の執行者 プルート - The Executor of the Underworld - Pluto - SR12-JP040 - Super Rare - Structure Deck...
聖光の宣告者 - Herald of Pure Light - SR12-JP041 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
天空神騎士ロードパーシアス - Celestial Knightlord Parshath - SR12-JP042 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost...
マスターフレア・ヒュペリオン - Masterflare Hyperion - SR12-JPP01 - Ultra Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
代行者の近衛 ムーン - Protector of The Agents - Moon - SR12-JPP02 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
天空の聖水 - The Sacred Waters in the Sky - SR12-JPP03 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary...
神秘の代行者 アース - The Agent of Mystery - Earth - SR12-JPP04 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
創造の代行者 ヴィーナス - The Agent of Creation - Venus - SR12-JPP05 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
神聖なる球体 - Mystical Shine Ball - SR12-JP009 - Common - Structure Deck R: Lost Sanctuary (SR12) -...
創造の代行者 ヴィーナス - The Agent of Creation - Venus - SR12-JPP05 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Lost...
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