Jinzo - RD/KP04-JP000
人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー - Jinzo - RD/KP04-JP000 - Rush Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
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人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー - Jinzo - RD/KP04-JP000 - Rush Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
幻刃兵ドリザード - Drizard the Mythic Sword Soldier - RD/KP04-JP001 - Common - Deck Modification Pack -...
幻刃戦士ショベロン - Shovelong the Mythic Sword Warrior - RD/KP04-JP002 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
幻刃虚兵ビッグローラン - Bigrollan the Mythic Sword Void Soldier - RD/KP04-JP003 - Common - Deck...
拳楽姫メリケンサックス - Brassax Knuckle the Melee Music Maiden - RD/KP04-JP004 - Common - Deck Modification...
斧楽姫フルートマホーク - Flutomahawk the Axe Music Maiden - RD/KP04-JP005 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
ブル・ブレイカー - Bull Breaker - RD/KP04-JP006 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
弾圧されるアリ - Oppressed Ants - RD/KP04-JP007 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
団結するアリ - United Resist-Ants - RD/KP04-JP008 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
逃げまどうアリ - Ants Running About - RD/KP04-JP009 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
ツボルケーノ - Acuvolcano - RD/KP04-JP010 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
恍惚の人魚 - Enchanting Mermaid - RD/KP04-JP011 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
ティタンの末裔 - Descendant of Titan - RD/KP04-JP012 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
いとをかしかなひめ - Itowokashikanahime - RD/KP04-JP013 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
サイレント・アサシン - Silent Assassin - RD/KP04-JP014 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
鋼機神ミラーイノベイター - Steeltek Deity Mirror Innovator - RD/KP04-JP015 - Rush Rare - Deck Modification...
レザーライフ・ドラゴン - Leather-Life Dragon - RD/KP04-JP016 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
ケミカルキュア・ブルー - Chemical Cure Blue - RD/KP04-JP017 - Super Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
死反のタマ - Soul of Death Reversal - RD/KP04-JP018 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
祭神モドリーナ - Enshrined Deity Modorina - RD/KP04-JP019 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
魔将セメルーラ - Semeruler the Dark Devastator - RD/KP04-JP020 - Ultra Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
幻竜重騎ウォームExカベーター[L] - Wurm Ex-Cavator the Heavy Mequestrian Wyrm [L] - RD/KP04-JP021 - Ultra Rare...
幻竜重騎ウォームExカベーター - Wurm Ex-Cavator the Heavy Mequestrian Wyrm - RD/KP04-JP022 - Ultra Rare - Deck...
幻竜重騎ウォームExカベーター[R] - Wurm Ex-Cavator the Heavy Mequestrian Wyrm [R] - RD/KP04-JP023 - Ultra Rare...
幻刃竜ビルド・ドラゴン - Build Dragon the Mythic Sword Dragon - RD/KP04-JP024 - Rush Rare - Deck...
幻刃妖精ピッケロン - Pickelong the Mythic Sword Fairy - RD/KP04-JP025 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
旋楽姫ヌンチャクラリネット - Nunchuclarinet the Whirling Music Maiden - RD/KP04-JP026 - Common - Deck...
突楽姫トランペットンファー - Trumpetonfa the Stabbing Music Maiden - RD/KP04-JP027 - Common - Deck...
重楽鬼アンサンブルファイター - Ensemble Fighter the Heavy Music Oni - RD/KP04-JP028 - Rare - Deck Modification...
神楽鬼ファーゴッド・フィンガー - Bassoon Finger the Divine Music Oni - RD/KP04-JP029 - Ultra Rare - Deck...
特上寿司天使ガリブエル - Garibel the Extra Premium Sushi Angel - RD/KP04-JP030 - Rare - Deck Modification...
ドリリング・マンドリル - Drilling Mandrill - RD/KP04-JP031 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
シールド・ボーリング・コング - Shield Boring Kong - RD/KP04-JP032 - Super Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
叛逆のアリベリオン - Antbellion of the Rebellion - RD/KP04-JP033 - Common - Deck Modification Pack -...
アンマグマ - Massage Magrrma - RD/KP04-JP034 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
アロマグマ - Aromagrrma - RD/KP04-JP035 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
マグマッサーG - Magrrmassa G - RD/KP04-JP036 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
マグマックス・マントルヴェーダ - Magmax Mantle-Ayurveda - RD/KP04-JP037 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
陰陽士サカカゼ - Onmyou Warrior Sakakaze - RD/KP04-JP038 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
TCB - Type Change Beam - RD/KP04-JP039 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
エンシェント・バリア - Ancient Barrier - RD/KP04-JP040 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
悪星の導き - Evil Star's Guidance - RD/KP04-JP041 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
透幻郷の嶮峻 - The Insurmountable Summit of Spectral Shangri-La - RD/KP04-JP042 - Super Rare - Deck...
地層調査 - Geological Survey - RD/KP04-JP043 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power...
始幻の咆哮 - Roar of the First Fantasy - RD/KP04-JP044 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
楽姫の息吹 - Breath of the Music Maidens - RD/KP04-JP045 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
重騎屋戦法 - Heavy Mequestrian Tactics - RD/KP04-JP046 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
世紀末獣戦士伝説 - Post-Apocalyptic Beast-Warrior Legend - RD/KP04-JP047 - Common - Deck Modification...
火炎 - Blazing Flame - RD/KP04-JP048 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined Power Destruction!!...
グランド・エクストリーム - Grand Extreme - RD/KP04-JP049 - Super Rare - Deck Modification Pack - Destined...
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