Machina Sniper - SR10-KR011
머시너즈 스나이퍼 - Machina Sniper - SR10-KR011 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
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머시너즈 스나이퍼 - Machina Sniper - SR10-KR011 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
화염 제왕 테스탈로스 - Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch - SD14-KR011 - Common - Advent of the Emperor...
여첩자 야에 - Lady Ninja Yae - SD8-KR011 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
쓰쿠요미 - Tsukuyomi - SD6-KR011 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
블랙 매지션 걸 - Dark Magician Girl - MB01-KR011 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) - Versão...
티오의 충혹마 - Traptrix Dionaea - SD45-KR006 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the...
열혈수사 울프바크 - Coach Soldier Wolfbark - SR14-KR011 - Common - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the...
아티팩트-데스사이즈 - Artifact Scythe - SD43-KR011 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 사냥꾼 브라우 - Broww, Huntsman of Dark World - SR13-KR011 - Normal Parallel Rare - Devil's Gate...
번개황제 하몬 - Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder - SD44-KR011 - Common - Legend of the Crystals (SD44) -...
머시너즈 디펜더 - Machina Defender - SR10-KR012 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
땅의 제왕 그란보그 - Granmarg the Rock Monarch - SD14-KR012 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) -...
안개 계곡의 대괴조 - Roc from the Valley of Haze - SD8-KR012 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão...
카오스 소서러 - Chaos Sorcerer - SD6-KR012 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
버스터 블레이더 - Buster Blader - MB01-KR012 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) - Versão Coreana
리세의 충혹마 - Traptrix Genlisea - SD45-KR007 - Common - Structure Deck: Forest of the Traptrix (SD45)...
진룡황 아그니마즈드V버니셔 - True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher - SR14-KR012 - Common - Structure Deck R:...
휘백룡 와이버스터 - White Dragon Wyverburster - SD43-KR012 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 척후 스카아 - Scarr, Scout of Dark World - SR13-KR012 - Common - Devil's Gate (SR13) - Versão...
디멘션 어트랙터 - Dimension Shifter - SD44-KR012 - Common - Legend of the Crystals (SD44) - Versão Coreana
독전관 코빈톤 - Commander Covington - SR10-KR013 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
이차원의 생환자 - D.D. Survivor - SD14-KR013 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão Coreana
해피 레이디1 - Harpie Lady 1 - SD8-KR013 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
백마도사 피켈 - White Magician Pikeru - SD6-KR013 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
사일런트 매지션 LV8 - Silent Magician LV8 - MB01-KR013 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
지나의 충혹마 - Traptrix Vesiculo - SD45-KR008 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the...
헬프레임 엠페러 - Infernal Flame Emperor - SR14-KR013 - Common - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the Fire...
암흑룡 코라프서펜트 - Black Dragon Collapserpent - SD43-KR013 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 자객 카키 - Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World - SR13-KR013 - Common - Devil's Gate (SR13) - Versão...
접촉의 G - Contact C - SD44-KR013 - Common - Legend of the Crystals (SD44) - Versão Coreana
괴성파괴수 지즈키엘 - Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju - SR10-KR014 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10)...
D·D·M - D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master - SD14-KR014 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14)...
해피 레이디2 - Harpie Lady 2 - SD8-KR014 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
블러드매지션-연옥의마술사- - Blast Magician - SD6-KR014 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
사일런트 매지션 LV4 - Silent Magician LV4 - MB01-KR014 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
괴분파괴수 가다라 - Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju - SD45-KR009 - Common - Structure Deck: Forest of the...
노염파괴수 도고란 - Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju - SR14-KR014 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck R:...
휘광룡 세이퍼트 - Starliege Seyfert - SD43-KR014 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 책사 그린 - Gren, Tactician of Dark World - SR13-KR014 - Common - Devil's Gate (SR13) - Versão...
하루 우라라 - Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring - SD44-KR014 - Common - Legend of the Crystals (SD44) -...
탄환특급 불릿 라이너 - Super Express Bullet Train - SR10-KR015 - Common - Machiners Command (SR10) -...
섬광의 추방자 - Banisher of the Radiance - SD14-KR015 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão...
해피 레이디3 - Harpie Lady 3 - SD8-KR015 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
흑마도사 쿠란 - Ebon Magician Curran - SD6-KR015 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
사일런트 스워드맨 LV7 - Silent Swordsman LV7 - MB01-KR015 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
점사파괴수 쿠모구스 - Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju - SD45-KR010 - Common - Structure Deck: Forest of...
The blazing MARS - The Blazing Mars - SR14-KR015 - Common - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the...
용마도의 수호자 - Keeper of Dragon Magic - SD43-KR015 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 도사 세루리 - Ceruli, Guru of Dark World - SR13-KR015 - Normal Parallel Rare - Devil's Gate...
저택 와라시 - Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion - SD44-KR015 - Common - Legend of the Crystals (SD44)...
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