Machina Citadel - SR10-KR001
머시너즈 카넬 - Machina Citadel - SR10-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
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머시너즈 카넬 - Machina Citadel - SR10-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão Coreana
사 제왕 가이우스 - Caius the Shadow Monarch - SD14-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) -...
신조 시무르그 - Simorgh, Bird of Divinity - SD8-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão...
흑마도의 집행관 - Dark Eradicator Warlock - SD6-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) -...
소환신 엑조디아 - The Legendary Exodia Incarnate - MB01-KR001 - Millennium Gold Rare - Millennium Deck...
시트리스의 충혹마 - Traptrix Pinguicula - SD45-KRP01 - Ultra Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the...
성염왕 가루도닉스 - Sacred Fire King Garunix - SR14-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of...
트라이브리게이드 메르쿠리에 - Tri-Brigade Mercourier - SD43-KR001 - Normal Parallel Rare - Alba Strike (SD43)...
암흑계의 마신왕 레인 - Reign-Beaux, Overking of Dark World - SR13-KR001 - Ultra Rare - Devil's Gate (SR13)...
머시너즈 에어레이더 - Machina Air Raider - SR10-KR002 - Super Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) - Versão...
차원합성사 - Dimensional Alchemist - SD14-KR002 - Super Rare - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão...
소닉 슈터 - Sonic Shooter - SD8-KR002 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
매직비스트 케로베로스 - Mythical Beast Cerberus - SD6-KR002 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) -...
동포의 연 - Ties of the Brethren - MB01-KR002 - Millennium Gold Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
아티푸스의 충혹마 - Traptrix Atypus - SD45-KRP02 - Super Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the Traptrix...
염왕신수 기린 - Fire King High Avatar Kirin - SR14-KR002 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of...
스프리건즈 키트 - Springans Kitt - SD43-KR002 - Normal Parallel Rare - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 문지기 젠타 - Genta, Gateman of Dark World - SR13-KR002 - Super Rare - Devil's Gate (SR13) -...
보옥수 애머지스트 캣 - Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat - SD44-KR002 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legend of the...
머시너즈 래디에이터 - Machina Irradiator - SR10-KR003 - Normal Parallel Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) -...
카이저 새크리파이스 - Samsara Kaiser - SD14-KR003 - Super Rare - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão...
음속 덕 - Sonic Duck - SD8-KR003 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
블랙 매지션 - Dark Magician - SD6-KR003 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
엑조드 프레임 - Obliterate!!! - MB01-KR003 - Millennium Gold Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
세라의 충혹마 - Traptrix Sera - SD45-KRP03 - Super Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the Traptrix (SD45)...
염왕수 하누만 - Fire King Avatar Rangbali - SR14-KR003 - Super Rare - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of...
헌원의 상검사 - The Golden Swordsoul - SD43-KR003 - Normal Parallel Rare - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão...
암흑계의 은둔자 파알 - Parl, Hermit of Dark World - SR13-KR003 - Super Rare - Devil's Gate (SR13) - Versão...
보옥수 에머랄드 터틀 - Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise - SD44-KR003 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legend of the...
머시너즈 포트리스 - Machina Fortress - SR10-KR004 - Normal Parallel Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) -...
이차원의 전사 - D.D. Warrior - SD14-KR004 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão Coreana
해피 걸 - Harpie Girl - SD8-KR004 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
쌍둥이 자매 엘프 - Gemini Elf - SD6-KR004 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
봉인된 엑조디아 - Exodia the Forbidden One - MB01-KR004 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck (MB01-KR) -...
란카의 충혹마 - Traptrix Mantis - SD45-KRP04 - Super Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the Traptrix...
염왕수 가루도닉스 - Fire King Avatar Garunix - SR14-KR004 - Common - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the...
알버스의 낙윤 - Fallen of Albaz - SD43-KR004 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 마신 레인 - Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World - SR13-KR004 - Normal Parallel Rare - Devil's...
보옥수 토파즈 타이거 - Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger - SD44-KR004 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legend of the...
머시너즈 기어프레임 - Machina Gearframe - SR10-KR005 - Normal Parallel Rare - Machiners Command (SR10) -...
화염의 여암살자 - Lady Assailant of Flames - SD14-KR005 - Common - Advent of the Emperor (SD14) - Versão...
뉴트 - Slate Warrior - SD8-KR005 - Common - Lord of the Storm (SD8) - Versão Coreana
성스러운 마술사 - Magician of Faith - SD6-KR005 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
봉인된 자의 오른쪽 팔 - Right Arm of the Forbidden One - MB01-KR005 - Millennium Rare - Millennium Deck...
홀티아의 충혹마 - Traptrix Holeutea - SD45-KRP05 - Super Rare - Structure Deck: Forest of the Traptrix...
염왕수 바롱 - Fire King Avatar Barong - SR14-KR005 - Common - Structure Deck R: Onslaught of the Fire...
흑의룡 알비온 - Albion the Shrouded Dragon - SD43-KR005 - Common - Alba Strike (SD43) - Versão Coreana
암흑계의 귀신 켈토 - Lucent, Netherlord of Dark World - SR13-KR005 - Common - Devil's Gate (SR13) -...
보옥수 앰버 맘모스 - Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth - SD44-KR005 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legend of the...
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