Return from the Different Dimension - SD14-JP031 - Usada
異次元からの帰還 - Return from the Different Dimension - SD14-JP031 - Common - Advent of the Emperor...
ゴブリンゾンビ - Goblin Zombie - SR07-JP016 - Common - Undead World (SR07) - Versão Japonesa
Goblin Zumbi
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異次元からの帰還 - Return from the Different Dimension - SD14-JP031 - Common - Advent of the Emperor...
貪欲な壺 - Pot of Avarice - Common - ST19-JP030 - Starter Deck 2019 (ST19) - Versão Japonesa
鳳翼の爆風 - Phoenix Wing Wind Blast - Common - SPFE-JP045 - Versão Japonesa
レッド・デーモンズ・ドラゴン - Red Dragon Archfiend - LGB1-JP023 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legendary Gold Box...
ゴヨウ・ガーディアン - Goyo Guardian - Nparallel - 20AP-JP064 - Versão Japonesa
ゴブリンゾンビ - Goblin Zombie - SR07-JP016 - Common - Undead World (SR07) - Versão Japonesa
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