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Call of the Haunted - SDRL-EN034
Call of the Haunted - SDRL-EN034 - Common - Rise of the Dragon Lord (SDRL)
光の護封剣 - Swords of Revealing Light - GDB1-JP012 - Gold Rare - The Gold Box (GDB1) - Versão Japonesa
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Call of the Haunted - SDRL-EN034 - Common - Rise of the Dragon Lord (SDRL)
魔導戦士 ブレイカー - Breaker the Magical Warrior - DR01-JPA04 - Common - Duel Royale Deck Set EX (DR01) -...
Spellbinding Circle - LCYW-EN092 - Common - Legendary Collection 3 (LC03/LCYW)
Mystical Space Typhoon - YS15-ENL17 - Common - Dark Legion (YS15)
성스러운 방어막 거울의 힘 - Mirror Force - DP00-KR030 - Rare - Duelist Pack: Yugi (DP00) - Versão Coreana
サイクロン - Mystical Space Typhoon - SD26-JP027 - Common - Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26)...
ダウジング・フュージョン - Dowsing Fusion - 20PP-JP017 - Ultra Rare - Premium Pack 2020 (20PP) - Versão Japonesa
光の護封剣 - Swords of Revealing Light - GDB1-JP012 - Gold Rare - The Gold Box (GDB1) - Versão Japonesa
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