Lion Alligator - BP03-EN089
Lion Alligator - BP03-EN089 - Rare - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
Rise of the Snake Deity - TAEV-EN069 - Common - Tactical Evolution (TAEV)
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Lion Alligator - BP03-EN089 - Rare - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
Rise of the Snake Deity - RYMP-EN083 - Common - Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
Offering to the Snake Deity - RYMP-EN085 - Common - Ra Yellow Mega-Pack (RYMP)
虹の天気模様 - The Weather Rainbowed Canvas - DANE-JP073 - Rare - Dark Neostorm (DANE) - Versão Japonesa
Reptilianne Gardna - ABPF-EN016 - Common - Absolute Power Force (ABPF)
ガガガガール - Gagaga Girl - ST13-JP010 - Common - Starter Deck 2013 (ST13) - Versão Japonesa
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