Dark Magician - SS01-ENA01
Dark Magician - SS01-ENA01 - Common - Destiny Masters Yami Yugi (SS01-ENA)
幻獣王ガゼル - Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts - YU-16 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi (YU) - Versão Japonesa - Condicao: Usada (85%)
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Dark Magician - SS01-ENA01 - Common - Destiny Masters Yami Yugi (SS01-ENA)
환상수왕 가젤 - Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts - RD/KP03-KR011 - Rare - Deck Modification Pack -...
螺旋のストライクバースト - Spiral Flame Strike - YCPC-JP018 - Common - Yu-Gi-Oh! Chips (YCPC) - Versão Japonesa
카오스-흑마술의 의식 - Black Magic Ritual - 15AY-KRC32 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial...
ブラック・イリュージョン - Black Illusion - 15AX-JPM05 - Millenium Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side...
千年竜 - Thousand Dragon - JY-37 - Common - Structure Deck: Joey (JY) - Versão Japonesa - Condição:...
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