Blackwing - Calima the Haze - STOR-EN009
Blackwing - Calima the Haze - STOR-EN009 - Common - Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
BF-弔風のデス - Blackwing - Decay the Ill Wind - Common - SHVI-JP017 - Versão Japonesa
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Blackwing - Calima the Haze - STOR-EN009 - Common - Storm of Ragnarok (STOR)
Dinomist Stegosaur - BOSH-EN024 - Common - Breakers of Shadow (BOSH)
BF블랙 페더-각야의 존다 - Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk - DABL-KR005 - Common - Darkwing Blast (DABL) -...
아이:피 마스카레나 - I:P Masquerena - QCCU-KR191 - Super Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity...
Archfiend Heiress - JOTL-EN029 - Rare - Judgment of the Light (JOTL)
슈팅 라이저 드래곤 - Shooting Riser Dragon - QCCU-KR054 - Super Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle...
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