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Battle Fusion - CPL1-JP017
決闘融合-バトル・フュージョン - Battle Fusion - CPL1-JP017 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend...
スノーマンイーター - Snowman Eater - SD23-JP016 - Common - Roar of the Sea Emperor (SD23) - Versão Japonesa
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決闘融合-バトル・フュージョン - Battle Fusion - CPL1-JP017 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend...
凛天使クイーン・オブ・ローズ - Queen Angel of Roses - VE01-JP002 - Ultra Rare - V Jump Edition (VE01) - Versão...
魔法都市エンディミオン - Magical Citadel of Endymion - 17TP-JP411 - Common - Tournament Pack 2017 Vol.4...
海亀壊獣ガメシエル - Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju - Super - RC02-JP020 - Versão Japonesa
魂の解放 - Soul Release - VOL5-05758500 - Common - Volume 5(VOL5) - Versão Japonesa
オネスト - Honest - LODT-JP001 - Ultra Rare - Light of Destruction (LODT) - Versão Japonesa
破壊剣士の守護絆竜 - Protector Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman - Super Rare - LVP3-JP006 - LINK VRAINS...
スノーマンイーター - Snowman Eater - SD23-JP016 - Common - Roar of the Sea Emperor (SD23) - Versão Japonesa
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