Everlasting Alloy - DP24-JP037
不朽の特殊合金 - Everlasting Alloy - DP24-JP037 - Rare - Duelist Pack: Duelists of Gloom (DP24) - Versão...
ギャラクシー・ドラグーン - Galaxy Dragon - NP Rare - SR02-JP014 - Versão Japonesa
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不朽の特殊合金 - Everlasting Alloy - DP24-JP037 - Rare - Duelist Pack: Duelists of Gloom (DP24) - Versão...
サイバネティック・ヒドゥン・テクノロジー - Cybernetic Hidden Technology - SD26-JP030 - Common - Blitzkrieg of the...
プロト・サイバー・ドラゴン - Proto-Cyber Dragon - SD18-JP014 - Common - Machiners Command (SD18) - Versão...
破壊剣の使い手-バスター・ブレイダー - Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster - Common - LVP3-JP009 - LINK...
BF(ブラックフェザー)-黒(くろ)槍(やり)のブラスト - Blackwing - Bora the Spear - Normal Parallel Rare - SPTR-JP034 -...
Ojama Delta Hurricane!! - 25th - IOC-EN034 - Common - Invasion of Chaos (25th Anniversary...
武神器-ムラクモ - Bujingi Quilin - JOTL-JP017 - Common - Judgment of the Light (JOTL) - Versão Japonesa
ギャラクシー・ドラグーン - Galaxy Dragon - NP Rare - SR02-JP014 - Versão Japonesa
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