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Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord - SD17-JP006 - Nova
究極封印神エクゾディオス - Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord - SD17-JP006 - Common - Warrior's Strike...
影依融合 - Shaddoll Fusion - Super Rare - SD37-JPP05 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão Japones
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究極封印神エクゾディオス - Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord - SD17-JP006 - Common - Warrior's Strike...
ファイアフェニックス@イグニスター - Fire Phoenix @Ignister - Rare - IGAS-JP046 - Ignition Assault (IGAS) - Versão...
シャドール・ドラゴン - Shaddoll Dragon - Common - SD37-JP007 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão...
Zaphion, the Timelord - BLLR-EN032 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (BLLR)
Sandaion, the Timelord - BLRR-EN025 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend Relentless Revenge (BLRR)
怒炎壊獣ドゴラン - Dogoran, the Mad Flame Kaiju - Common - SD35-JP012 - Soulburner (SD35) - Versão Japonesa
超弩級砲塔列車グスタフ・マックス - Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max - Common - DP21-JP039 - Duelist Pack:...
時械神ラフィオン - Raphion, the Timelord - Common - CP18-JP023 - Versão Japonesa
影依融合 - Shaddoll Fusion - Super Rare - SD37-JPP05 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão Japones
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