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A Legendary Ocean - MA-30 - Danificada
伝説の都 アトランティス - A Legendary Ocean - MA-30 - Common - Mythological Age (MA) - Versão Japonesa -...
貪欲な壺 - Pot of Avarice - Common - SD37-JP031 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão Japones
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伝説の都 アトランティス - A Legendary Ocean - MA-30 - Common - Mythological Age (MA) - Versão Japonesa -...
サイバー・ヴァリー - Cyber Valley - SD18-JP019 - Common - Machiners Command (SD18) - Versão Japonesa -...
聖なる魔術師 - Magician of Faith - SY2-017 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi Volume 2 (SY2) - Versão...
Evilswarm Zahak - SR02-EN014 - Common - Rise of the True Dragons (SR02)
Diffusion Wave-Motion - LCYW-EN066 - Super Rare - Legendary Collection 3 (LC03/LCYW)
強欲で謙虚な壺 - Pot of Duality - SD24-JP027 - Common - Onslaught of the Fire Kings (SD24) - Versão...
貪欲な壺 - Pot of Avarice - Common - SD37-JP031 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão Japones
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