Red-Eyes B. Dragon - SJ2-007
真紅眼の黒竜 - Red-Eyes B. Dragon - SJ2-007 - Common - Structure Deck: Joey Volume 2 (SJ2) - Versão...
復活の福音 - Return of the Dragon Lords - RC03-JP038 - Super Rare - Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC02) - Versão Japonesa
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真紅眼の黒竜 - Red-Eyes B. Dragon - SJ2-007 - Common - Structure Deck: Joey Volume 2 (SJ2) - Versão...
포톤의 성역 - Photon Sanctuary - LGB1-KR032 - Normal Parallel Rare - Legendary Gold Box (LGB1-KR) -...
ワン・フォー・ワン - One for One - Super Parallel Rare - 20TH-JPC93 - 20th Anniversary Legend Collection...
半月竜 ラディウス - Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon - LTGY-JP014 - Common - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy...
Silver's Cry - LCKC-EN034 - Secret Rare - Legendary Collection Kaiba (LC06/LCKC)
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