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Salamangreat Blaze Dragon - LVDS-JPA03
転生炎獣 ブレイズ・ドラゴン - Salamangreat Blaze Dragon - Ultra Rare - LVDS-JPA03 - LINK VRAINS Duelist Set...
閃刀姫-カガリ - Sky Striker Ace - Kagari (alternate art) - RC03-JP028 - Secret Rare - Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC02) - Versão Japonesa
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転生炎獣 ブレイズ・ドラゴン - Salamangreat Blaze Dragon - Ultra Rare - LVDS-JPA03 - LINK VRAINS Duelist Set...
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ナチュル・ビースト - Naturia Beast - GS05-JP010 - Common - Gold Series 2013 (GS05) - Versão Japonesa
天龍雪獄 - Ice Dragon's Prison - ROTD-JP079 - Super Rare - Rise of the Duelist (ROTD) - Versão Japonesa
グラビティ・プレス・ドラゴン - Gravity Press Dragon - RD/ST02-JP002 - Common - Rush Duel Starter Deck: Luke...
閃刀姫-カガリ - Sky Striker Ace - Kagari (alternate art) - RC03-JP028 - Secret Rare - Rarity Collection Premium Gold Edition (RC02) - Versão Japonesa
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