Soul Charge - CPL1-JP014
ソウル・チャージ - Soul Charge - CPL1-JP014 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1)...
セイクリッド・カウスト - Constellar Kaus - Common - SPRG-JP049 - Versão Japonesa
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ソウル・チャージ - Soul Charge - CPL1-JP014 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1)...
Constellar Zubeneschamali - HA07-EN009 - Secret Rare - Hidden Arsenal 7 (HA07)
オルターガイスト・キードゥルガー - Altergeist Kidolga - Common - FLOD-JP042 - Versão Japonesa
Allvain the Essence of Vanity - MP22-EN145 - Ultra Rare - 2166 Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods (MP22)
聖なるバリア -ミラーフォース- - Mirror Force - ST14-JPA07 - Common - ST14-JPA08 - Versão Japonesa
オネスト - Honest - SD27-JP014 - Common - HERO's Strike (SD27) - Versão Japonesa
影霊衣の舞姫 - Dance Princess of the Nekroz - Common - SECE-JP028 - Versão Japonesa
EMフレンドンキー - Performapal Friendonkey - Rare - SECE-JP003 - Versão Japonesa
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