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The Black Stone of Legend - QCCP-KR110 - Secret Rare
블랙오브레전드 - The Black Stone of Legend - QCCP-KR110 - Secret Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side:...
일루전 오브 카오스 - Illusion of Chaos - QCDB-KR031 - Quarter Century Secret Rare - Quarter Century Duelist Box (QCDB) - Versão Coreana
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블랙오브레전드 - The Black Stone of Legend - QCCP-KR110 - Secret Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side:...
블랙메탈드래곤 - Black Metal Dragon - QCCP-KR111 - Ultra Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride...
붉은 눈의 암흑 메탈 드래곤 - Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - QCCP-KR109 - Secret Rare - Quarter Century...
사이버 드래곤 - Cyber Dragon - QCCP-KR015 - Ultimate Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride...
푸른 눈의 카오스 MAX 드래곤 - Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon - QCDB-KR013 - Ultra Rare - Quarter Century...
해피 채널러 - Harpie Channeler - QCCP-KR121 - Ultra Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride...
유성룡 메테오 블랙 드래곤 - Meteor Black Comet Dragon - QCCP-KR114 - Ultimate Rare - Quarter Century...
이멀전시 사이버 - Cyber Emergency - QCCP-KR031 - Ultra Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle Side: Pride...
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