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Gift of the Martyr - TLM-JP039 - Nova
受け継がれる力 - Gift of the Martyr - TLM-JP039 - Common - The Lost Millennium (TLM) - Versão Japonesa
魔轟神獣クダベ - The Fabled Kudabbi - DT08-JP040 - Super Parallel Rare - Duel Terminal - Pulse of the Trishula!! (DT08) - Versão Japonesa
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受け継がれる力 - Gift of the Martyr - TLM-JP039 - Common - The Lost Millennium (TLM) - Versão Japonesa
古代の機械砲台 - Ancient Gear Cannon - EE04-JP129 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 4 (EE04) - Versão...
落消しのパズロミノ - Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter - DANE-JP049 - Common - Dark Neostorm (DANE) - Versão...
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Buffalo - LTGY-EN029 - Rare - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy (LTGY)
蟲の忍者-蜜 - Mitsu the Insect Ninja - DABL-JP016 - Super Rare - Darkwing Blast (DABL) - Versão Japonesa
Sin パラドクス・ドラゴン - Malefic Paradox Dragon - Super Parallel Rare - 20TH-JPC73 - 20th Anniversary...
聖なる降誕 - Starry Knight Ceremony - SLT1-JP047 - Common - Selection 10 (SLT1) - Versão Japonesa
魔轟神獣ペガラサス - The Fabled Peggulsus - DT08-JP021 - Normal Parallel Rare - Duel Terminal - Pulse of...
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