Breaker the Magical Warrior - SD6-KR009
마도전사 브레이커 - Breaker the Magical Warrior - SD6-KR009 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) -...
긴급텔레포트 - Emergency Teleport - PAC1-KR039 - Normal Parallel Rare - Prismatic Art Collection (PAC1-KR) - Versão Coreano
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마도전사 브레이커 - Breaker the Magical Warrior - SD6-KR009 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) -...
真六武衆-ミズホ - Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho - STOR-JP024 - Common - Storm of Ragnarok (STOR) -...
プランキッズ・ドゥードゥル - Prank-Kids Dodo-Doodle-Doo - Common - DBHS-JP020 - Versão Japonesa
Number 67: Pair-a-Dice Smasher - BLRR-EN031 - Secret Rare - Battles of Legend Relentless Revenge...
Number 48: Shadow Lich - MP15-EN056 - Common - Mega Pack 2015 (MP15)
サンダー・ドラゴン・フュージョン - Thunder Dragon Fusion - Common - SOFU-JP060 - Versão Japonesa
ハリケーン - Giant Trunade - YU-46 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi (YU) - Versão Japonesa - Condição:...
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