Ties of the Brethren - MB01-JP002
同胞の絆 - Ties of the Brethren - Millennium Gold - MB01-JP002 - Versão Japonesa
黒・魔・導・爆・裂・破 - Dark Burning Attack - Millennium Rare - MB01-JP032 - Versão Japonesa
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同胞の絆 - Ties of the Brethren - Millennium Gold - MB01-JP002 - Versão Japonesa
黒・爆・裂・破・魔・導 - Dark Burning Magic - Millennium Rare - MB01-JP033 - Versão Japonesa
サイバー・エッグ・エンジェル - Cyber Egg Angel - Rare - DP21-JP013 - Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 4 (DP21) -...
キウイ・マジシャン・ガール - Kiwi Magician Girl - Super Parallel Rare - 20TH-JPC32 - 20th Anniversary Legend...
블랙 일루전 - Black Illusion - 15AY-KRC00 - Secret Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial Battle...
아이:피 마스카레나 - I:P Masquerena - PAC1-KR034 - Secret Rare - Prismatic Art Collection (PAC1-KR) -...
E・HERO スパークマン - Elemental Hero Sparkman - TLM-JP004 - Common - The Lost Millennium (TLM) - Versão...
黒魔族復活の棺 - Dark Renewal - Millennium Super - MP01-JP027 - Versão Japonesa
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