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The Legendary Fisherman II - DP18-JP015
伝説のフィッシャーマン二世 - The Legendary Fisherman II - Rare - DP18-JP015 - Versão Japonesa
섀도우 구울 - Shadow Ghoul - MRD-K090 - Rare - Metal Raiders (MRD-K) - Versão Coreana
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伝説のフィッシャーマン二世 - The Legendary Fisherman II - Rare - DP18-JP015 - Versão Japonesa
악마의 주사위 - Skull Dice - 15AX-KRM48 - Common - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto...
암흑의 가면 - Mask of Darkness - MRD-K014 - Rare - Metal Raiders (MRD-K) - Versão Coreana
악마의 주사위 - Skull Dice - 15AX-KRM48 - Millennium Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi...
Amazoness Onslaught - LDS1-EN025 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1)
이블나이트드래곤 - Serpent Night Dragon - SRL-K103 - Secret Rare - Spell Ruler (SRL-K) - Versão Coreana
메탈 드래곤 - Metal Dragon - LOB-K102 - Rare - Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (LOB-KR) - Versão Coreana
ブルーアイズ・トゥーン・ドラゴン - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon - BE1-JP066 - Super Rare - Beginner's Edition 1 (BE1) -...
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