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Arcana Knight Joker - 15AX-JPY39 - Secret Rare
アルカナ ナイトジョーカー - Arcana Knight Joker - 15AX-JPY39 - Secret Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory...
ベビードラゴン - Baby Dragon - ME-01 - Common - Metal Raiders (ME) - Versão Japonesa - Condição: Usada (85%)
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アルカナ ナイトジョーカー - Arcana Knight Joker - 15AX-JPY39 - Secret Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory...
Lord of D. - Dragon Protector - DM-055 - Uncommon - Dice Masters - Yu-Gi-Oh! Series One (DM)
パワー・ボンド - Power Bond - SD41-JPP04 - Super Rare - Structure Deck: Cyber Style's Successor (SD41) -...
サイバー・エルタニン - Cyber Eltanin - VJMP-JP045 - Ultra Rare - V Jump Promotional Cards (VJMP) - Versão...
위대한 마수 가젯트 - Great Maju Garzett - ESP3-KR008 - Common - Expansion Pack 3 (ESP3) - Versão Coreana
Dark Magician of Chaos - DPRP-EN013 - Rare - Duelist Pack Rivals of the Pharaoh (DPRP)
鳳翼の爆風 - Phoenix Wing Wind Blast - Common - DBHS-JP045 - Versão Japonesa
ベビードラゴン - Baby Dragon - ME-01 - Common - Metal Raiders (ME) - Versão Japonesa - Condição: Usada (85%)
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