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Elemental HERO Grandmerge - CHBI-KRB08
엘리멘틀 히어로 그랜드맨 - Elemental HERO Grandmerge - CHBI-KRB08 - Ultra Rare - 20th Anniversary Duelist...
デーモンの召喚 - Summoned Skull - 15AY-JPA06 - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-JPA) Versão Japonesa
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엘리멘틀 히어로 그랜드맨 - Elemental HERO Grandmerge - CHBI-KRB08 - Ultra Rare - 20th Anniversary Duelist...
砦を守る翼竜 - Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress 1 - VOL4-87796900 - Common - Volume 4(VOL4) -...
闇・道化師のペーテン - Peten the Dark Clown - PP7-JP005 - Common - Premium Pack 7 (P7) - Versão Japonesa -...
ワイト - Skull Servant - SB-32274490 - Common - Start Box(SB) - Versão Japonesa - Condição: Usada (80%)
闇・道化師のサギー - Saggi the Dark Clown - VOL7-66602787 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
封印されしエクゾディア - Exodia the Forbidden One - 15AY-JPA17 - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King:...
サイバー・エンド・ドラゴン - Cyber End Dragon - TRC1-JP028 - Super Rare - The Rarity Collection (TRC1) -...
邪悪なるワーム・ビースト - The Wicked Worm Beast - BE2-JP090 - Common - Beginner's Edition 2 (BE2) - Versão...
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