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Celtic Guard of Noble Arms - 20TH-JPC56 - Secret Rare
エルフの聖剣士 - Celtic Guard of Noble Arms - Secret Rare - 20TH-JPC56 - 20th Anniversary Legend...
黒き森のウィッチ - Witch of the Black Forest - SD39-JP016 - Common - Masters of the Spiritual Arts (SD39) - Versão Japonesa
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エルフの聖剣士 - Celtic Guard of Noble Arms - Secret Rare - 20TH-JPC56 - 20th Anniversary Legend...
サイバー・ヴァリー - Cyber Valley - SD26-JP006 - Common - Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26) -...
V-タイガー・ジェット - V-Tiger Jet - DP2-JP001 - Common - Duelist Pack: Chazz Princeton (DP2) - Versão...
終わりの始まり - The Beginning of the End - SD38-JP028 - Common - Structure Deck: Sacred Beasts of Chaos...
暗黒ドリケラトプス - Dark Driceratops - 307-018 - Common - Invader of Darkness (307) - Versão Japonesa -...
プチラノドン - Petiteranodon - DBWS-JP014 - Common - Wild Survivors (DBWS) - Versão Japonesa
血の代償 - Ultimate Offering - SD10-JP032 - Common - Machine Re-Volt (SD10) - Versão Japonesa -...
鎖付きブーメラン - Kunai with Chain - SD25-JP036 - Common - The Blue-Eyed Dragon's Thundering Descent...
黒き森のウィッチ - Witch of the Black Forest - SD39-JP016 - Common - Masters of the Spiritual Arts (SD39) - Versão Japonesa
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