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Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves - LVAL-EN039
Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves - LVAL-EN039 - Super Rare - Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
Inferno Reckless Summon - SR03-EN030 - Common - Machine Reactor (SR03)
Card descriptions
When exactly 1 monster with 1500 or less ATK is Special Summoned to your field while your opponent controls a face-up monster: Special Summon as many monsters as possible with the same name as the Summoned monster, from your hand, Deck, and Graveyard, in Attack Position, also your opponent Special Summons as many monsters as possible with the same name as 1 of their face-up monsters, from their hand, Deck, and Graveyard.
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Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves - LVAL-EN039 - Super Rare - Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL)
Tytannial, Princess of Camellias - PGLD-EN088 - Gold Rare - Premium Gold (PGLD)
Mariña, Princess of Sunflowers - SHSP-EN040 - Super Rare - Shadow Specters (SHSP)
Harmonizing Magician - PEVO-EN010 - Ultra Rare - Pendulum Evolution (PEVO)
Chain Dog - BP03-EN080 - Shatterfoil - Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03)
Charge of the Light Brigade - SR02-EN033 - Common - Rise of the True Dragons (SR02)
Inferno Reckless Summon - SR03-EN030 - Common - Machine Reactor (SR03)
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