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Monster Reborn - DR02-JPC13
死者蘇生 - Monster Reborn - DR02-JPC13 - Common - Duel Royale Deck Set EX: Round 2 (DR02) - Versão...
Priestess with Eyes of Blue - LDS2-EN007 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
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死者蘇生 - Monster Reborn - DR02-JPC13 - Common - Duel Royale Deck Set EX: Round 2 (DR02) - Versão...
Magician's Circle - SR08-EN039 - Common - Order of the Spellcasters (SR08)
성스러운 방어막 거울의 힘 - Mirror Force - DP00-KR030 - Rare - Duelist Pack: Yugi (DP00) - Versão Coreana
Ultra Polymerization - MP18-EN014 - Secret Rare - Mega Pack 2018 (MP18)
빛의 봉인검 - Swords of Revealing Light - 15AY-KRB17 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City...
サイクロン - Mystical Space Typhoon - SD26-JP027 - Common - Blitzkrieg of the Mechlight Dragons (SD26)...
Priestess with Eyes of Blue - LDS2-EN007 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
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