Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - BLLR-EN060
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - BLLR-EN060 - Secret Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's...
Terraforming - LEDD-ENC21 - Common - Dimensional Dragons! (LEDD-ENC)
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Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - BLLR-EN060 - Secret Rare - Battles of Legend: Light's...
Black Illusion Ritual - SS01-ENC09 - Common - Destiny Masters Pegasus (SS01-ENC)
異次元からの帰還 - Return from the Different Dimension - SD20-JP034 - Common - Lost Sanctuary (SD20) -...
古代の機械巨人 - Ancient Gear Golem - SD10-JP012 - Common - Machine Re-Volt (SD10) - Versão Japonesa -...
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