- Esgotado
Opening of the Spirit Gates - SD38-JP020
七精の解門 - Opening of the Spirit Gates - SD38-JP020 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck: Sacred...
E・HERO ネクロダークマン - Elemental HERO Necroshade - SD27-JP010 - Common - HERO's Strike (SD27) - Versão Japonesa
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七精の解門 - Opening of the Spirit Gates - SD38-JP020 - Normal Parallel Rare - Structure Deck: Sacred...
裁きの代行者 サターン - The Agent of Judgment - Saturn - SD20-JP004 - Common - Lost Sanctuary (SD20) -...
アタック・リフレクター・ユニット - Attack Reflector Unit - SOI-JP051 - Common - Shadow of Infinity (SOI) - Versão...
バブル・シャッフル - Bubble Shuffle - Rare - CRV-JP046 - Cybernetic Revolution (CRV) - Versão Japonesa
ヒーロー・シグナル - Hero Signal - TLM-JP049 - Rare - The Lost Millennium (TLM) - Versão Japonesa -...
マジシャン・オブ・ブラックカオス - Magician of Black Chaos - P3-07 - Super Rare - Premium Pack 3 (P3) - Versão...
EMポップアップ - Performapal Popperup - Rare - DP23-JP047 - Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 6 (DP23) -...
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