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Compulsory Evacuation Device - SDBE-EN038
Compulsory Evacuation Device - SDBE-EN038 - Common - Saga of Blue Eyes White Dragon (SDBE)
Trap Stun - GLD4-EN050 - Gold Rare - Gold Series 4: Pyramids Edition (GLD4)
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Compulsory Evacuation Device - SDBE-EN038 - Common - Saga of Blue Eyes White Dragon (SDBE)
Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak - DP11-EN010 - Rare - Duelist Pack Crow (DP11)
Solemn Warning - RA02-EN078 - Super Rare - 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (RA02)
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite - BP01-EN215 - Common - Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01)
Macro Cosmos - BLMR-EN100 - Ultra Rare - Battles of Legend: Monstrous Revenge (BLMR)
Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe - LDS2-EN042 - Common - Legendary Duelists: Season 2 (LDS2)
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