Makyura the Destructor - SDM-002 - Usada
処刑人-マキュラ - Makyura the Destructor - SDM-002 - Common - Structure Deck Marik (SDM) - Versão...
賢者ケイローン - Chiron the Mage - FET-JP021 - Rare - Flaming Eternity (FET) - Versão Japonesa - Condição: Usada (85%)
Set: Flaming Eternity
ATK/DEF: 1800/1000
Card Number: FET-EN021
Attribute: Earth
Level: 4
Monster Type: Beast-Warrior
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Effect Monster
Name: Chiron the Mage
Passcode: 16956455
Card Text: Discard 1 Spell Card from your hand. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field. This effect can only be used once per turn.
Card Rules: Rulings powered by The Netrep
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