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Sinister Serpent - 15AX-KRM31 - Secret Rare
킬러 스네이크 - Sinister Serpent - 15AX-KRM31 - Secret Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi...
태풍 - Heavy Storm - ESP1-KR046 - Gold Rare - Expansion Pack 1 (ESP1) - Versão Coreana - Condicao: Usada (90%)
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킬러 스네이크 - Sinister Serpent - 15AX-KRM31 - Secret Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi...
달의 서 - Book of Moon - TRC1-KR043 - Super Rare - The Rarity Collection (TRC1) - Versão Coreana
융합 - Polymerization - 15AY-KRB30 - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City Arc...
세뇌-브레인 컨트롤- - Brain Control - 20AP-KR017 - Super Parallel Rare - 20th Anniversary Pack 1nd Wave...
거대화 - Megamorph - BP1-KR037 - Super Rare - Beginner's Edition 1 (BP1) - Versão Coreana
싸이크론 - Mystical Space Typhoon - LEC1-KR089 - Super Parallel Rare - 20th Anniversary Legend...
카드 파괴 - Card Destruction - 15AY-KRB27 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City Arc...
왕궁의 칙명 - Imperial Order - 20AP-KR021 - Ultra Parallel Rare - 20th Anniversary Pack 1nd Wave...
태풍 - Heavy Storm - ESP1-KR046 - Gold Rare - Expansion Pack 1 (ESP1) - Versão Coreana - Condicao: Usada (90%)
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