Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti - WPP4-KR023
고티스의 사극 구오그림 - Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti - WPP4-KR023 - Common - World Premiere Pack 2023...
물거품-붕괴의 버블- - All For Naught - Bubble Burst - RD/KP05-KR056 - Common - Deck Modification Pack - Dynamic Eternal Live!! (RD/KP05) - Versão Coreana
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고티스의 사극 구오그림 - Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti - WPP4-KR023 - Common - World Premiere Pack 2023...
환상수왕 가젤 - Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts - AC03-KR031 - Common - Animation Chronicle 2023...
스타더스트 드래곤 / 버스터 - Stardust Dragon Assault Mode - SYP1-KR001 - Common - Synergy Pack 01: Syncro...
앤틱 기어 포트리스 - Ancient Gear Fortress - QCCU-KR123 - Super Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle...
매지션즈 소울즈 - Magicians' Souls - QCCU-KR004 - Secret Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle side:Unity...
양계 그란무튼 - Ewekai Grounmouton - RD/KP09-KR003 - Common - Deck Mod Pack: Galaxy of Fate!! (KP09) -...
엑시즈 체인지 택틱스 - Xyz Change Tactics - QCCU-KR072 - Secret Rare - Quarter Century Chronicle...
도도레미코드 쿨리아 - DoSolfachord Coolia - DBAG-KR021 - Ultra Rare - Ancient Guardians (DBAG) - Versão...
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