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Monster Reborn - 15AY-KRC24
죽은 자의 소생 - Monster Reborn - 15AY-KRC24 - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial...
궁극룡 기사 - Dragon Master Knight - 15AX-KRM34 - Millenium Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto (15AX-KRM) - Versão Coreana
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죽은 자의 소생 - Monster Reborn - 15AY-KRC24 - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial...
흑·폭·열·파·마·도 - Dark Burning Magic - 15AX-KRY02 - Millennium Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory...
時械神ラフィオン - Raphion, the Timelord - Common - CP18-JP023 - Versão Japonesa
ナチュル・ガイアストライオ - Naturia Gaiastrio - NECH-JP088 - Rare - The New Challengers (NECH) - Versão Japonesa
時械神ミチオン - Michion, the Timelord - Common - CP18-JP021 - Versão Japonesa
확산하는 파동 - Diffusion Wave-Motion - 15AY-KRB22 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City...
죽은 자의 소생 - Monster Reborn - 15AY-KRA23 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc...
커스 오브 드래곤 - Curse of Dragon - 15AY-KRA07 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom...
궁극룡 기사 - Dragon Master Knight - 15AX-KRM34 - Millenium Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto (15AX-KRM) - Versão Coreana
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