- Esgotado
Dark Hole - SPDS-JP042 - NParallel Rare - Nova
ブラック・ホール - Dark Hole - NParallel Rare - SPDS-JP042 - Versão Japonesa
Call of the Haunted - DP04-EN025 - Common - Duelist Pack Zane (DP04)
Card descriptions
Activate this card by targeting 1 monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target in Attack Position. When this card leaves the field, destroy that target. When that target is destroyed, destroy this card.
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ブラック・ホール - Dark Hole - NParallel Rare - SPDS-JP042 - Versão Japonesa
瞬間融合 - Flash Fusion - CPL1-JP016 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1) -...
ライトニング・ボルテックス - Lightning Vortex - DR01-JPC17 - Common - Duel Royale Deck Set EX (DR01) - Versão...
Swords of Revealing Light - BP01-EN033 - Rare - Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01)
リビングデッドの呼び声 - Call of the Haunted - Normal Parallel - SPWR-JP044 - Versão Japonesa
Milla the Temporal Magician - GENF-EN038 - Common - Generation Force (GENF)
Magic Cylinder - BP01-EN091 - Starfoil Rare - Battle Pack: Epic Dawn (BP01)
Call of the Haunted - DP04-EN025 - Common - Duelist Pack Zane (DP04)
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