Majesty with Eyes of Blue - SDKS-JP021 - Nova
青き眼の威光 - Majesty with Eyes of Blue - NParallel - SDKS-JP021 - Versão Japonesa
ラーの使徒 - Ra's Disciple - Common - CPL1-JP024 - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend Version (CPL1) - Versão Japonesa
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青き眼の威光 - Majesty with Eyes of Blue - NParallel - SDKS-JP021 - Versão Japonesa
真紅眼の凶星竜-メテオ・ドラゴン - Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact - Common - INOV-JP028 - Versão Japonesa
ライトロード・レイピア - Lightsworn Sabre - TDGS-JP059 - Common - The Duelist Genesis (TDGS) - Versão Japonesa
Spirit Message "A" - LON-091 - Rare - Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON) - Condição: Usada (90%)
ジェノサイドキングサーモン - Terrorking Salmon - EE2-JP061 - Common - Expert Edition Volume 2 (EE2) - Versão...
エアーズロック・サンライズ - Ayers Rock Sunrise - CPL1-JP020 - Common - Collectors Pack: Duelist of Legend...
レッドアイズ・ダークネスメタルドラゴン - Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon - Common - LVP1-JP035 - Versão Japonesa
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