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Spellbinding Circle - 15AY-KRB36
육망성의 저주 - Spellbinding Circle - 15AY-KRB36 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City Arc...
ブラック・ホール - Dark Hole - DL2-033 - Super Rare - Duelist Legacy 2 (DL2) - Versão Japonesa
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육망성의 저주 - Spellbinding Circle - 15AY-KRB36 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City Arc...
死魂融合 - Necro Fusion - Common - SD37-JP039 - Rebirth of Shaddoll Deck (SD37) - Versão Japones
光の護封剣 - Swords of Revealing Light - YU-19 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi (YU) - Versão Japonesa
ダウジング・フュージョン - Dowsing Fusion - 20PP-JP017 - Common - Premium Pack 2020 (20PP) - Versão Japonesa
サイクロン - Mystical Space Typhoon - Common - SPHR-JP043 - Versão Japonesa
Mystical Space Typhoon - SD6-EN018 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6)
死者蘇生 - Monster Reborn - Normal Parallel Rare - 20AP-JP018 - Versão Japonesa
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