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Starlight Road - PAC1-JP049 - Normal Parallel Rare
スターライト・ロード - Starlight Road - PAC1-JP049 - Normal Parallel Rare - Prismatic Art Collection...
엘프 검사 - Celtic Guardian - 15AY-KRA09 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-KRA) - Versão Coreana
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スターライト・ロード - Starlight Road - PAC1-JP049 - Normal Parallel Rare - Prismatic Art Collection...
幻獣王ガゼル - Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts - SY2-005 - Common - Structure Deck: Yugi Volume 2...
ゴーストリック・スケルトン - Ghostrick Skeleton - LVAL-JP024 - Common - Legacy of the Valiant (LVAL) - Versão...
ルイーズ - Beaver Warrior - EXSB-32452818 - Common - EX Start Box(EXSB) - Versão Japonesa - Condição:...
왕국 - Duelist Kingdom - S/N - Ultra Rare - Memories of the Duel King: Battle City Arc (15AY-KRB) -...
シルバー・フォング - Silver Fang - VOL1-90357090 - Common - Volume 1(VOL1) - Versão Japonesa - Condição:...
블랙 매지션 - Dark Magician - SD6-KR003 - Common - Spellcaster's Judgment (SD6) - Versão Coreana
메탈 데블 조아 - Metalzoa - 15AX-KRM22 - Common - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto...
엘프 검사 - Celtic Guardian - 15AY-KRA09 - Common - Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc (15AY-KRA) - Versão Coreana
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