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Guardian Dreadscythe - CPL1-JP010
ガーディアン・デスサイス - Guardian Dreadscythe - CPL1-JP010 - Super Rare - Collectors Pack: Duelist of...
XX-セイバー ヒュンレイ - XX-Saber Hyunlei - DE04-JP112 - Common - Duelist Edition Volume 4 (DE04) - Versão Japonesa
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ガーディアン・デスサイス - Guardian Dreadscythe - CPL1-JP010 - Super Rare - Collectors Pack: Duelist of...
ヴァンパイア・グレイス - Vampire Grace - SHSP-JP031 - Common - Shadow Specters (SHSP) - Versão Japonesa
Morgan, the Enchantress of Avalon - SOFU-EN089 - Ultra Rare - Soul Fusion (SOFU) - Condição:...
드래곤메이드 파루라 - Parlor Dragonmaid - SLF1-KR062 - Common - Selection 5 (SLF1) - Versão Coreana
Prediction Princess Crystaldine - DRL2-EN034 - Super Rare - Dragon Legends 2 (DRL2)
드래곤메이드 라도리 - Laundry Dragonmaid - SLF1-KR058 - Common - Selection 5 (SLF1) - Versão Coreana
XX-セイバー ヒュンレイ - XX-Saber Hyunlei - DE04-JP112 - Common - Duelist Edition Volume 4 (DE04) - Versão Japonesa
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