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Forbidden Lance - NKRT-EN042
Forbidden Lance - NKRT-EN042 - Platinum Rare - Noble Knights of the Round Table (NKRT)
Guarded Treasure - DRLG-EN013 - Secret Rare - Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
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Forbidden Lance - NKRT-EN042 - Platinum Rare - Noble Knights of the Round Table (NKRT)
Reaper Scythe - Dreadscythe - DRLG-EN012 - Super Rare - Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
메타모르 포트 - Morphing Jar - 20AP-KR014 - Normal Parallel Rare - 20th Anniversary Pack 1nd Wave...
피스의 고리 - Symbol of Friendship - 15AX-KRM03 - Secret Rare - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side:...
サイバー・ブレイダー - Cyber Blader - Normal Parallel Rare - DBLE-JP043 - Versão Japonesa
아쿠아의 합창 - Aqua Chorus - 15AX-KRM56 - Common - Duelist Road Piece of Memory Side: Yugi Muto...
Guarded Treasure - DRLG-EN013 - Secret Rare - Dragons of Legend (DRLG)
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