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Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon - LEDD-ENC04
Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon - LEDD-ENC04 - Common - Dimensional Dragons! (LEDD-ENC)
Starving Venom Predapower Fusion Dragon - DIFO-EN036 - Ultra Rare - Dimension Force (DIFO)
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Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon - LEDD-ENC04 - Common - Dimensional Dragons! (LEDD-ENC)
オッドアイズ・ペンデュラム・ドラゴン - Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon - Gold Secret Rare - GP16-JP004 - Versão Japonesa
デス・ウイルス・ドラゴン - Doom Virus Dragon - Rare - CPD1-JP003 - Versão Japonesa
ファイアウォール・ドラゴン - Firewall Dragon - Ultra Rare - COTD-JP043 - Versão Japonesa
機械の兵隊 - Cyber Soldier - VOL7-44865098 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
クラッシュマン - Togex - VOL7-33878931 - Common - Volume 7(VOL7) - Versão Japonesa
真紅眼の凶星竜-メテオ・ドラゴン - Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact - Common - INOV-JP028 - Versão Japonesa
Jenis, Lightsworn Mender - TDGS-EN025 - Common - The Duelist Genesis (TDGS)
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