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Prediction Princess Tarotreith - DABL-JP038
冥占術姫タロットレイス - Prediction Princess Tarotreith - DABL-JP038 - Super Rare - Darkwing Blast (DABL) -...
ナチュルの春風 - Naturia Blessing - DABL-JP064 - Common - Darkwing Blast (DABL) - Versão Japonesa
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冥占術姫タロットレイス - Prediction Princess Tarotreith - DABL-JP038 - Super Rare - Darkwing Blast (DABL) -...
BF-嵐砂のシャマール - Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm - DABL-JP002 - Common - Darkwing Blast (DABL) -...
幻影騎士団トゥーム・シールド - The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield - Common - PP18-JP017 - Versão Japonesa
幻影騎士団カースド・ジャベリン - The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin - Super - MACR-JP042 - Versão Japonesa
超重武者カカ-C - Superheavy Samurai Scarecrow - 19PP-JP005 - Ultra Rare - Premium Pack 2019 (19PP) -...
影霊衣(ネクロス)の術(じゅつ)士(し) シュリット - Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz - Common - SPTR-JP010 - Versão...
No.70 デッドリー・シン - Number 70: Malevolent Sin - Secret - PP19-JP011 - Versão Japonesa
セイクリッド・アンタレス - Constellar Antares - DT14-JP021 - Rare Parallel Rare - Duel Terminal - Ouroboros,...
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